How do you feel about Biden NOW?

What needs to happen is Hamas needs to be taken out and we need the two-state solution. Set them up where they're not in abject poverty as that only breeds more future pawns for the terrorist groups to harvest. Clean water, food, schools, and infrastructure they can build on. If they f**k it up after that, it's on them.
This is the most logical thing that I have heard come out of your mouth in quite a while. But we both know that it won't happen.
More upsetting news for the Cult of Trump, but good news for the rest of America: Inflation ticked down for April (3.4%) and the Fed has signaled that it could possibly begin lowering interest rates this year. :)
What about the rest of the economy that has been draining pocketbooks/wallets for over 2 years now. More "manipulated" statistics???
This is the most logical thing that I have heard come out of your mouth in quite a while. But we both know that it won't happen.

I say logical things all the time, you just don't like them because its counter to your bias.

It won't happen because the extremist in Israel and the extremist in Palestine do not want a peaceful solution, conflict helps them both stay in power.

Biden is pushing for the two-state solution, Netanyahu has rejected any proposal that leads to Palestinian independent and their own country.

Lara Trump says debates ‘rigged so heavily’ in Biden’s favor

Republican National Committee (RNC) co-Chair Lara Trump said Wednesday evening, without evidence, that debates are always “rigged so heavily” in President Biden’s favor.

Earlier Wednesday, Biden and former President Trump agreed to participate in two presidential debates: the first on CNN on June 27, the second on ABC on Sept. 10.

Preemptively setting up excuses in case Trump under performs in the debates again, like he did in 2020. Trumper losers are predictable. LoL.
So Trump wants to tax the shit out of China. It's about time somebody does.

Meanwhile Newsome wants to tax the shit out of people leaving Cali.

Does anyone see how backwards this is???

The "Left" mentality is at it again. :rolleyes:
So Trump wants to tax the shit out of China. It's about time somebody does.

Um, Trump already tried and failed with his "trade wars" on China, it hurt America and Americans, what happens when you have a dullard in charge who believes he knows more than everyone else, even the experts, like Trump always claims.

-"The Trump administration imposed nearly $80 billion worth of new taxes on Americans by levying tariffs on thousands of products valued at approximately $380 billion in 2018 and 2019, amounting to one of the largest tax. increases in decades."

-"Trump's actions amounted to one of the largest tax increases in years.” A September 2019 study by Moody's Analytics found that the trade war had already cost the U.S. economy nearly 300,000 jobs and an estimated 0.3% of real GDP. Other studies put the cost to U.S. GDP at about 0.7%."

-"Two years ago, President Donald Trump signed what he called a "historical trade deal" with China that committed China to purchase $200 billion of additional US exports before December 31, 2021. Today the only undisputed "historical" aspect of that agreement is its failure." -PIIE

Trump's policies on China failed and failed and failed some more. Again, were you asleep 2017-2021 or more selective memory loss because the facts show Trump to be a failure?

And since you always forget, Trump lost nearly 3million jobs during his term. He's a job loser, not creator.
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Biden hikes tariffs on Chinese EVs, solar cells, steel, aluminum — and snipes at Trump

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden slapped major new tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, advanced batteries, solar cells, steel, aluminum and medical equipment on Tuesday, taking potshots at Donald Trump along the way as he embraced a strategy that’s increasing friction between the world’s two largest economies.

The Democratic president said that Chinese government subsidies ensure the nation’s companies don’t have to turn a profit, giving them an unfair advantage in global trade.

“American workers can outwork and outcompete anyone as long as the competition is fair,” Biden said in the White House Rose Garden. “But for too long, it hasn’t been fair. For years, the Chinese government has poured state money into Chinese companies ... it’s not competition, it’s cheating.”

Thanks Joe Biden.

Now as we've covered above, Trump's trade wars were a complete disaster for America and Americans, because Trumps believes he knows more than everyone else, including experts, when he knows nothing. I suspect Biden is listening to the field experts and will succeed here, or at least do substantially more than Trump's total failure.
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Once again..... OBAMA devalued the dollar, and allowed China to import their cheap crap into this country.

Tell me with a straight face... that OBAMA didn't do that... "Lefty"

We've already been over that, that was dumb of Obama.

That has nothing to do with Trump's utterly disastrous trade war with China. You're deflecting as usual.
Yeah... that's why the polls are saying Trump is leading Biden. :rolleyes:

A complete non sequitur retort. Lol.

Funny how you say "tax the shit out of China. It's about time somebody does" when you think it's Trump, but then get mad when it's Biden who is doing it. Lol. Typical Trumper.

It's because Republicans are experts at blame shifting, no one does it better. The economy went to shit in early 2021 because of Trump's mismanagement and mismanagement of the pandemic, he lost nearly 3 million jobs. What Republicans do, screw things up, then leave and blame shift.

eg They did it in 2009. Bush ushered in the Great Recession and Republicans blamed it all on Obama.

In reality, Biden has done a good job after being handed a complete shit-show, the guy you love to post clips about, Bill Maher, agrees: Bill Maher Lampoons People Blaming Biden for Everything
I think you mean Fauci... the Covid "expert"... mismanaged the pandemic. :rolleyes:

AGAIN... People are only as competent as the advice they receive from others.;)

Fauci did a fine job, it was Trump who wasn't listening to him and doing his own thing because he thought he knew more.

Was Fauci president? Nope. Shit rolls down hill, not up.
Trump and Trumpers loved to brag about how well the stock market was doing under Trump and give him credit when it was up, then blame-shift when it crashed.

Meanwhile, stock market hit 40,000 this week. Highest ever on record. Trumpers are oddly silent. LoL.
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Bankrupt Rudy Giuliani launches bizarre coffee venture as he’s crippled by $148m lawsuit debt

After being New York mayor, Trump lawyer, and criminal defendant, Rudy Giuliani is now trying his hand at coffee salesman as he grapples with bankruptcy and debt of $148m.

As proceedings in his bankruptcy case rumbled on this week, Mr Giuliani launched “Rudy.Coffee”, offering three styles of coffee beans.


Besides his newest grift above, Rudy's ducking the Arizona prosecutors trying to serve him indictment papers for his part in trying to overturn the AZ election results/election fraud, but he can't be found: Arizona officials say they can’t find Rudy Giuliani to serve him with indictment notice

From "America's Mayor" to deadbeat grifting clown hiding from the law and all for Trump and some rubles. What a complete and total loser.
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Meanwhile, stock market hit 40,000 this week. Highest ever on record.
Far out! Looks good for those who play the market and have 401k accounts. But how does this excite the working class family as they get pummeled at the grocery store and gas station? After all, Joe says inflation was at 9% already when he took office (LIE), and repeatedly says it. They should require drug tests on both Trump and Biden on the day of the debates to prevent them from shooting a Dark Brandon cocktail in his ass.

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