Miami may see snow! (Unrelated but posting here anyway)


Dedicated LVC Member
Jun 21, 2009
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Miami, FL(Home of the rust free MARK VIII's
I know this forum has nothing to do with the weather in Miami but my only LVC friends are in the MARK VIII forum so I love posting here where all my Mark VIII buddies are... I'm just shocked that it's been 39 degrees outside since 2pm. This is very unlike Miami weather. I'm usually out on my waverunner in January yet the last 9 days have been in the high 30's, 40's & low 50's but tonight will prove to be the coldest reaching temperatures in the low, low, low 30's inland & the everglades will be seeing temperatures in the 20's with a big chance of snow... SNOW IN MIAMI?!?!?!?
This all sounds perfectly normal to you guys but were Caribbean people, lol, were not used to this. EVERYONE'S indoors, no one wants to stick their nose outside. Can AL Gore explain this sudden freeze to us? lol I think Earth is healing itself from this supposed global warming. Hey Jamie, I heard you guys should be feeling it down into the high 20's over there. YIKES!
If you knew anything about global warming, you would know this is the expected (predicted) trend. Weather patters REALLY get messed up. When was the last time there was snow in Miami? Last ice age? lol

Its gonna hit 4 above up here. Meh.... nothing.
there is no global warming, its called climate change now, come on!!!

on a side note, from 2 am this morning until around 6 am there was sleet coming down at my house, i have video of it, ice pellets falling all over the marks outside, unreal!!!! i'm not in miami, but i am half way down the state so i am far enough south to say unreal!!! it was 33 at 4 am, it did snow about an hour north of me, from the pan handle down to around hernando county and parts of northern pasco county, it is so dam cold out right now i had to turn the heat on in the shop, i should never need heat, its florida!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now the time to worry is when it snows in Phoenix and stays on the ground!!! When I was a kid it snowed but only got to about 5 feet off the ground and melted. Remember folks Phoenix is 3 feet from hell.
I haven't seen one lick of snow yet in my part of NC. Pretty cold though.
2010!!! like predicted by the mayans and the aztecs.....oh yeah its going to happen those people were experts in astronomy and science.

You mean 2012, right?

I thought they predicted 'change' i.e. not necessarily the end of the world?
ehh who cares the world's gonna end eventually....


there is no global warming, its called climate change now, come on!!!

i should never need heat, its florida!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's what's crazy, we are actually using our heaters for the first time in ages. My stepdad's into the A/C business, he's getting so many calls due to broken heaters that haven't been in use in decades. It's insane. Last time it was this cold down here was in 1979 when it snowed in Miami.
2012 was a predicted pole shift due to melting of earths core causing loss of axis of rotation... And only way the world will end is if it occurs quickly.... We could probably just have all of our marks in a line wot to counteract this...
snow wont stay on the ground here it isnt cold enough. they cant drive in the rain nevermind snow.
Have any of you been down to Miami? I swear 90% of Miamians are Special Olympics material as soon as the first 2 drops fall on their windshields! All you see is break lights in front of you, traffic slows down to a hault. You figure it's a bunch of seniors...... WRONG!!! A bunch of retards so no, I don't want to see Miamians driving in snow!
I've lived here all my life, driven here all my life yet it just boggles my mind.
Have any of you been down to Miami? I swear 90% of Miamians are Special Olympics material as soon as the first 2 drops fall on their windshields! All you see is break lights in front of you, traffic slows down to a hault. You figure it's a bunch of seniors...... WRONG!!! A bunch of retards so no, I don't want to see Miamians driving in snow!
I've lived here all my life, driven here all my life yet it just boggles my mind.

Wow... I ask the same thing about the people here in AZ.

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