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  • hrmwrm
    hrmwrm replied to the thread God is Only a Theory.
  • S
    The facts here of owning a twenty plus year old car certain conditions arise such as corrosion in the harness and connectors. The...
  • C
    I would plan to change the fuel pump. It's old and at the end of it's life. . . .
  • hrmwrm
    hrmwrm replied to the thread God is Only a Theory.
    it's amazing when you point things out to them they are just incredulous at you for stating what's in their belief. like pointing out...
  • hrmwrm
    hrmwrm reacted to TheDude's post in the thread God is Only a Theory with
  • TheDude
    TheDude replied to the thread God is Only a Theory.
    • 1740159370470.png
  • hrmwrm
    hrmwrm replied to the thread God is Only a Theory.
    mans a biblical scholar and religious studies scholar. 04. more qualified than anybody you can find.
  • hrmwrm
    hrmwrm reacted to TheDude's post in the thread Trump with
    The sitting President of the United States spreading lies and Russian propaganda, all for Putin's benefit: This is what Komrade...
  • hrmwrm
    hrmwrm reacted to TheDude's post in the thread Trump with
    For all we know it was staged. Doubt it, but wouldn't be surprised.
  • TheDude
    TheDude replied to the thread Trump.
    The sitting President of the United States spreading lies and Russian propaganda, all for Putin's benefit: This is what Komrade...
    • 1740008648399.png
  • TheDude
    TheDude replied to the thread Trump.
    For all we know it was staged. Doubt it, but wouldn't be surprised.
  • I
    Ian Mills reacted to TheDude's post in the thread Trump with
    Trump's literally repeating Russian propaganda again by claiming Ukraine started the war. Trump's going to give the dictator Putin...
  • hrmwrm
    hrmwrm replied to the thread Trump.
    too bad the bullet missed
  • hrmwrm
    hrmwrm reacted to TheDude's post in the thread Trump with
    Trump's literally repeating Russian propaganda again by claiming Ukraine started the war. Trump's going to give the dictator Putin...
  • TheDude
    TheDude replied to the thread Trump.
    Trump's literally repeating Russian propaganda again by claiming Ukraine started the war. Trump's going to give the dictator Putin...