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  • TheDude
    TheDude replied to the thread Trump.
    Even more charges coming at this MAGA pedophile: Ex-Minnesota senator who sponsored Trump Derangement Syndrome bill charged with...
  • TheDude
    TheDude reacted to hrmwrm's post in the thread Trump with
    my traitor of a provincial leader thinks it's her negotiation skills that got the tariffs halted til after OUR election. :cool...
  • hrmwrm
    hrmwrm replied to the thread Trump.
    my traitor of a provincial leader thinks it's her negotiation skills that got the tariffs halted til after OUR election. :cool...
  • hrmwrm
    hrmwrm reacted to TheDude's post in the thread Trump with
    White House inadvertently texted top-secret Yemen war plans to journalist Senior members of Donald Trump’s cabinet have been involved...
  • hrmwrm
    hrmwrm reacted to TheDude's post in the thread Trump with
    Trump once again inherited a stable US economy from his predecessor, so it's going to take some time for the damage he's doing to be...
  • hrmwrm
    hrmwrm reacted to TheDude's post in the thread Trump with
    Dismissed VA workers get jobs back, are placed on leave Unions decry inefficiency of firing workers and then putting them on paid leave...
  • isaiah3g
    Way cool stuff there. Lots of labor of love
  • isaiah3g
    isaiah3g replied to the thread Sup y'all!.
    I come here about twice a month for miscl reasons. I don't remember last time I logged in. Btw, if no one knows, I bought Jay's car...
  • brooke
    brooke replied to the thread Expert LS guys needed.
    @AmsterDutch no way really?! Small world!! Will if you are ever bored and get my direction she's still down for the count... I've got...
  • I
    Ian Mills reacted to TheDude's post in the thread Trump with
    White House inadvertently texted top-secret Yemen war plans to journalist Senior members of Donald Trump’s cabinet have been involved...
  • TheDude
    TheDude replied to the thread Trump.
    White House inadvertently texted top-secret Yemen war plans to journalist Senior members of Donald Trump’s cabinet have been involved...
  • TheDude
    TheDude replied to the thread Trump.
    Trump once again inherited a stable US economy from his predecessor, so it's going to take some time for the damage he's doing to be...
  • I
    Ian Mills reacted to TheDude's post in the thread Trump with
    Dismissed VA workers get jobs back, are placed on leave Unions decry inefficiency of firing workers and then putting them on paid leave...
  • AmsterDutch
    AmsterDutch reacted to 1lslincoln's post in the thread Possible Blown Headgasket? with
    iv done the combustion tester and it was fine, itd be hard to blow it from coolant to combustion but not impossible. after getting my...
  • TheDude
    TheDude replied to the thread Trump.
    Dismissed VA workers get jobs back, are placed on leave Unions decry inefficiency of firing workers and then putting them on paid leave...