Promoting "hate" through arrogance, ignorance and dogmatism...

Oh, and BTW, there is no equivalence in "looking to infuse christian values into America" and social justice. "looking to infuse christian values into America" is not, in and of itself, a value or a goal, let alone an overriding goal running through all conservative thought.

Ah, Shag, you might 'think' that is where I was going - but it isn't -

Don't manufacture my side of the argument - and then proceed to debate it with yourself.

So - how about those definitions of Social Justice and Egalitarian? Gotta get those down before I can build my case....

Oh - I was just stating the obvious - the right always has an 'out', according to them, however the left is always 'trapped' within the right's constraints regarding political dogma. The right demands that the parameters of the debate be according to their 'dogma'. If you set the criteria, you can set it so you have the advantage.

So, I am trying to play by the rules - lets get those definitions out of the way first...
Oh - I was just stating the obvious - the right always has an 'out', according to them, however the left is always 'trapped' within the right's constraints regarding political dogma.

If you could argue the point honestly, you would. Instead you are framing the debate as premised on the notion that the point I raised is disingenuous and illegitimate.

So, I am trying to play by the rules

Yet you premise your argument on the assumption that the objections raised to your argument are self-evidently illegitimate.

Framing of the debate is important. While you may claim you are trying to discuss things honestly, the manner in which you constantly frame things shows otherwise.
If you could argue the point honestly, you would. Instead you are framing the debate as premised on the notion that the point I raised is disingenuous and illegitimate.

Yet you premise your argument on the assumption that the objections raised to your argument are self-evidently illegitimate.

Framing of the debate is important. While you may claim you are trying to discuss things honestly, the manner in which you constantly frame things shows otherwise.

So you can't state the rules (or the definitions in this case) - because if you did, what would happen shag -

You would have to play by the rules?

And once again - your point appears to be that the left is one big happy family, all of us subscribing to social justice, preferably via collectivism, while the right cannot be defined at all, that there are no 'cohesive' ideals which would connect the entirety of the right together.

I can't argue that your point seems to be disingenuous and illegitimate?

Could we begin with - where do you get your definition of the 'left' shag? Since you appear reluctant to tie yourself to a definition of social justice or egalitarianism.
Foxy, you can't simply "define" a concept like "social justice". It is a vague term with numerous overlapping understandings in different contexts and trying to pin down what is and is not social justice can take a while. For that discussion to be at all productive both sides have to be willing to discuss things honestly. Frankly, I can't trust that you have any interest in discussing things honestly.

Considering your continued attempts to delegitimize my points and inject false premises into this discussion (the left is one big happy family...your point seems to be disingenuous and illegitimate?) your thinly veiled contentious nature to any opposing view as well as past experience, any attempt to pin down a specific term would stall discourse even further. It has happened on the issue of "social justice" numerous times between you and I and, in the original focus is, at best, tangential. We have already gone far enough off course here.

The original discussion between you and me was the political spectrum and how it is defined.

I pointed out that the modern political spectrum is defined by the Left and that the only consistent definition of "The Right" is "those who the Left disagree's with".

You responded by essentially saying both sides define one another while attacking the entire notion of "the Right" as simply a "lump all" category for non-Leftist thought (nevermind that these two arguments undercut one another). Essentially you attempted to delegitimize the point from two opposing angles.

I pointed the flaws in both those arguments...
  • there is no unifying ideological framework of goals/means that runs through "The Right" (or conservative thought) as there is for the Left.
  • "The Right" has not (and does not) have the ability to define the Left because, unlike the Left they have never had control of the "tools of propaganda"; media, entertainment, academia, etc.
  • Unlike Leftist thought, "the Right" has not had a need nor the ability to broadly brand it's opposition in simplistic, false terms because...
    • Conservatives has been forced to sharpen their arguments by having to play on an uneven playing field for generations while the Left has not had to seriously confront conservative thought as a matter of course. The Left has gotten complacent and their arguments have gotten sloppy as a result. They are used to debating amongst people who share their worldviews and thus discussing issues on the margins instead of having to defend the core premises of their worldview.
    • Because of the dominance of the Left in the media, academia, etc., "the Right" has not been afforded the option to falsely brand the Left because any attempt to do so would be met with hostility, heavily scrutinized and quickly debunked. Tying back to the sharpening of the argument, Conservatives/Libertarians have had to find ways to break through those Leftist dominated outlets in ways that have lasting effect and something easily debunked would not have that effect.
    • The different viewpoints on human nature lead the Left to look for external factors to blame for human evil and, by extension, for their own political, philosophical and policy failings. Combine that with the group think fostered by dominance of the "tools of propaganda", and it very quickly leads to simplistic understandings of opposing points of view and the ascribing of disingenuous motive and/or less then reasonable thought in the development of those opposing views. In short, the Left is ideologically predisposed to vilifying and creating straw men. Hence the predisposition toward demagoguery (which is what Maher was engaging in and what the Left has been doing with Palin for years now).
Now we are stuck on your attempts to legitimize your two arguments and/or delegitimize the counterpoints I raised instead of directly confronting the counterpoints I raised on their merits.You even confirmed as much by inferring that you are in fact arguing that my point, "seems to be disingenuous and illegitimate". However, arguments are disprovable. You are simply assuming it to be true and, if I don't point it out, that assumption is accepted as an a priori fact in the debate as a premise.

How can there be any honest, civil discourse when the point you raise is simply assumed to be illegitimate? How can there be any honest, civil discourse when the opposition premises their argument on the notion that your argument is illegitimate instead of discussing the idea on it's merits? How is there ANY civility to be had in that context? How can there be any productive discussion when one side simply dismisses counterpoints without reason?

Considering your actions here as well as your history on this forum, not only can I not trust that you are interested in honest discourse, in fact I can reasonably infer the exact opposite. Any answer I give will be met with whatever challenge you can muster. No reasonable point, let alone an entire perspective can be articulated in that type of back and forth format where one side is looking to delegitimize the first thing that comes out of the opposition's mouth.

Your pattern on this forum gives away the game way to soon. If you were interested in honest dialog you would be interested in understanding opposing views that you are clearly rather ignorant of. Instead, you assume they are illegitimate and work feverishly from the moment someone starts articulating them to delegitimize.
Foxy, you can't simply "define" a concept like "social justice". It is a vague term with numerous overlapping understandings in different contexts and trying to pin down what is and is not social justice can take a while. For that discussion to be at all productive both sides have to be willing to discuss things honestly. Frankly, I can't trust that you have any interest in discussing things honestly.

So - you use an 'out' - I won't discuss honestly. Yet, here I am trying my darnest to get things all set up from the beginning - definitions being one of them.

If you can't define social justice - that it is a vague term with numerous 'overlapping understanding in different contexts' then how can you label the left with it? It would see like a rather ill advised thing to do if you are trying to create the image that the left is a cohesive 'hive' mind. Wouldn't the entirety of the left have to agree on a single definition.

That is all I am asking shag - for that single definition that the entire left subscribes too.

Considering your continued attempts to delegitimize my points and inject false premises into this discussion (the left is one big happy family...your point seems to be disingenuous and illegitimate?) your thinly veiled contentious nature to any opposing view as well as past experience, any attempt to pin down a specific term would stall discourse even further. It has happened on the issue of "social justice" numerous times between you and I and, in the original focus is, at best, tangential. We have already gone far enough off course here.

This is exactly why I am trying to find out, up front, what you mean by 'social justice' very specifically in this case shag - we do run around in circles, so lets make sure we are running down the same straight line this time.

The original discussion between you and me was the political spectrum and how it is defined.

I pointed out that the modern political spectrum is defined by the Left and that the only consistent definition of "The Right" is "those who the Left disagree's with".

You responded by essentially saying both sides define one another while attacking the entire notion of "the Right" as simply a "lump all" category for non-Leftist thought (nevermind that these two arguments undercut one another). Essentially you attempted to delegitimize the point from two opposing angles.

So - you are defining the political spectrum by 'the left' and 'everyone else' basicially - correct?

I am just trying to find out how you define 'the left' - you have stated that they are people concerned with social justice, and tied in collectivism. I am just trying to make sure I understand social justice as you understand social justice in this case - because it is apparently 'fuzzy' and hard to nail down (see your first paragraph).

[*]there is no unifying ideological framework of goals/means that runs through "The Right" (or conservative thought) as there is for the Left.

But, you don't define the left's goals and means except by some sort of 'fuzzy' social justice. Does 'fuzzy' count here?
[*]"The Right" has not (and does not) have the ability to define the Left because, unlike the Left they have never had control of the "tools of propaganda"; media, entertainment, academia, etc.

But, you just defined the left shag - do you have some magical ability that the rest of the right is lacking?
[*] Unlike Leftist thought, "the Right" has not had a need nor the ability to broadly brand it's opposition in simplistic, false terms because...
  • Conservatives has been forced to sharpen their arguments by having to play on an uneven playing field for generations while the Left has not had to seriously confront conservative thought as a matter of course. The Left has gotten complacent and their arguments have gotten sloppy as a result. They are used to debating amongst people who share their worldviews and thus discussing issues on the margins instead of having to defend the core premises of their worldview.
  • Because of the dominance of the Left in the media, academia, etc., "the Right" has not been afforded the option to falsely brand the Left because any attempt to do so would be met with hostility, heavily scrutinized and quickly debunked. Tying back to the sharpening of the argument, Conservatives/Libertarians have had to find ways to break through those Leftist dominated outlets in ways that have lasting effect and something easily debunked would not have that effect.
  • The different viewpoints on human nature lead the Left to look for external factors to blame for human evil and, by extension, for their own political, philosophical and policy failings. Combine that with the group think fostered by dominance of the "tools of propaganda", and it very quickly leads to simplistic understandings of opposing points of view and the ascribing of disingenuous motive and/or less then reasonable thought in the development of those opposing views. In short, the Left is ideologically predisposed to vilifying and creating straw men. Hence the predisposition toward demagoguery (which is what Maher was engaging in and what the Left has been doing with Palin for years now).

But shag, you have in this very thread simplistically, in false terms defined the 'left' (and aren't you the 'right'?) - are you not doing to the 'left' the exact thing you claim the 'left' does to the right?

With new media the left has had to sharpen their rhetoric - they do quite well shag - you might not like it, but there are plenty of outlets that equal American Thinker or Heritage on the left.

Falsely 'brand' the left - the right does it all the time - communist, socialist, traitor, nazi - you name it we get labeled with it.

And once again - you simplify the left as an 'entirety' looking to blame outside forces only for 'evil' in humanity. The entire left shag?

Do you have any source for any of this stuff you are spewing? Or is it just the viewpoint of those on the right, or more specifically you?

However I do like that you do cling to my groupthink theory, regarding the right on this board, from long ago. ;)

Now we are stuck on your attempts to legitimize your two arguments and/or delegitimize the counterpoints I raised instead of directly confronting the counterpoints I raised on their merits.You even confirmed as much by inferring that you are in fact arguing that my point, "seems to be disingenuous and illegitimate". However, arguments are disprovable. You are simply assuming it to be true and, if I don't point it out, that assumption is accepted as an a priori fact in the debate as a premise.

How can there be any honest, civil discourse when the point you raise is simply assumed to be illegitimate? How can there be any honest, civil discourse when the opposition premises their argument on the notion that your argument is illegitimate instead of discussing the idea on it's merits? How is there ANY civility to be had in that context? How can there be any productive discussion when one side simply dismisses counterpoints without reason?

Considering your actions here as well as your history on this forum, not only can I not trust that you are interested in honest discourse, in fact I can reasonably infer the exact opposite. Any answer I give will be met with whatever challenge you can muster. No reasonable point, let alone an entire perspective can be articulated in that type of back and forth format where one side is looking to delegitimize the first thing that comes out of the opposition's mouth.

Your pattern on this forum gives away the game way to soon. If you were interested in honest dialog you would be interested in understanding opposing views that you are clearly rather ignorant of. Instead, you assume they are illegitimate and work feverishly from the moment someone starts articulating them to delegitimize.

I think I have finally figured out your game - smoke and mirrors. As soon as the debate starts to shift - or someone actually tries to actually pin you down, you skitter about. You can't come up with definitions or 'rules' because then you would actually have to debate within those parameters.

If you can't state the rules - which you can't - then you can always claim I am not playing by them, that I am dishonest, or that I am ignorant. Your lack of rules, or definitions, assures you that the playing field can shift at anytime, according to you.

Here, I am even trying to play the game a'la shag - but, you know that as soon as you state a rule viola - that rule can be used against you. You state a definition, and then, you cannot add to it or subtract from it, leaving you to 'play by it'.

Shag - your arguments are built on sand -
Shag - your arguments are built on sand -

That really is your ultimate goal here, isn't it; to delegitimize opposing views.

We go round and round with your elaborate rationalizations, distractions and attempts to delegitimize (subverting honest discourse in the process) and when people get exasperated with your efforts, you declare victory.

The merits of the argument don't matter. Honest discourse doesn't matter. Civility doesn't matter. Truth doesn't matter. What matters is how you can spin things in your favor; to create the perception that opposing arguments are, "built on sand" as you say. Your focus simply one of negating opposing views by any means necessary.
That really is your ultimate goal here, isn't it; to delegitimize opposing views.

So, ye of the shifting sand argument - how would you have me argue - that your viewpoints are 'legit'? That the left is some huge cohesive unit held together by a universal ideal of egalitarian (which you have yet to define for the sake of this argument) social justice (which you also have yet to define in the context of this discussion)? And on the other side of the coin the right really isn't responsible for much of anything, because they have no cohesive 'glue'?

I have tried over and over again to discuss things with you shag - but as soon as it looks a little dicey, you shift.... the sands change. I wanted to make sure we were discussing on concrete this time.

However, your seeming inability to even define the terms that you so rigorously want to use... come on Shag, at least do that....

Truth matters - but since you don't seem to be able to even find a truthful starting point, how can we ever arrive at a 'truth'?
How can you honestly and productively discuss things with an intellectual nihilist?

If someone's sole focus is negating opposing views/arguments by any means necessary, any argument you make simply gives them more ammo to spin and distort; more means to confuse the issue and create the perception that any opposing argument is invalid or, "built on sand" as you say.

What you are demanding is that I feed your efforts to negate anything I say. When I don't do so, you strut about claiming "victory".

It's a rather effective way to reframe things into a "heads-I-win, tails-you-lose" dynamic.

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