Recent content by da-hitman

  1. D

    05 V6 LS- Dual Climate Control Problem

    Joegr Has A Point Dont Ever Get Anything Done At Pepboys! If I Were You I Would Try To Check My Batt. Like Joegr Commented.... If Thats Ok I Would Just Take It To Who Ever Your Extended Warranty Suggests. Just Incase It Starts To Tweak Again.... You Can Back Your Self Up By Saying That You Took...
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    fun car to drive

    this looks like :q:q:q:q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but i wouldnt mind swinging some donuts!!!!!!
  3. sry one more

    sry one more

  4. my 05 LS

    my 05 LS

  5. D

    Comment by 'da-hitman' in item '2006 Lincoln LS'

    that white paint makes it look like a bmw....
  6. D

    It never rains in Sothern California

    i wanted to start a l.s. crew but da dude here in nor cal. r kinda wierd, but i notice dat u guys meet up like in santa barbara, maybe i kan stop by i live in stockton..... if u guys dont mind...
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    fresh pics

    hey dats cleen!!! if u glance @ it, it looks like carbon fiber!!!
  8. D

    Lincoln LS heated/cooled seat filters

    i didn't think the seats needed a filter!!!! but do u think they would work for my 2005 l.s.?
  9. D

    what do you guys think about Xo-Vision indash radios?

    i have a xo-vision dvd player installed in my pops suburban and its ok... but i got a double din pioneer in my 2005 l.s. it doesnt have the mem. processor because if they over heat it gets ugly with the dash fuses....
  10. D

    4.6 Ls????

    my seats make a little noise but as long as my butts warm and cool im not trippen.....
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    Comment by 'da-hitman' in item '2006 Lincoln LS Elite Edition'

    hey wats da diff. between da elit and da regular l.s.? i kant find anything....