Recent content by HALFGIG

  1. H

    Full Set of Fuel Injectors. Motorcraft CM 4934 $175.00

    Sold!! Already sold!! Have a good day
  2. H

    Full Set of Fuel Injectors. Motorcraft CM 4934 $175.00

    (SOLD)!!! I listed them on EBAY. They are brand new. A full set of 8. The EBAY link is below. If it doesn't work do a search.
  3. H

    Stock Wood Kit GEN 1 Lincoln LS - For Sale

    If it doesn't sell as a package in 1 week I'll take $ 45 for the shifter. Including shipping
  4. H

    Stock Wood Kit GEN 1 Lincoln LS - For Sale

    I have a stock wood stereo, climate control and gear shift for sale. The stereo is the Alpine 6 disc. $ 150 plus shipping. Email me at
  5. H

    Odd issue

    I'm sure #1 is a Pats/Security issue. I have to cycle my key 1 time before it will start when the car is warm. It happens every time the car is driven a minimum of 20-30-miles. When it is warm and I turn the key on the 1st time the Pats light blinks and there is a no go for start. I turn the key...
  6. H

    2001 ls v8 sport plus parts car for sale

    I'm selling my 2001 Lincoln LS Sport 3.9 V8. Along with the 2001 is a 2002 Lincoln LS Sport 3.9 V8 parts car. About 95% of the parts car is there. It is missing the tail lights, hydraulic fan, alternator that's about it. Other than that it is a whole car. It was a washout from katrina and it has...
  7. H

    Cruise Control Help

    It could be a speed sensor malfunction.
  8. H

    Click BANG!

    I replaced all 4 of my timing chains last summer and it is fairly straight forward but some of the bolts that need to be removed are very hard to get to. All of the bolts have lock-tite on them so they snap as they loosen. Make sure to be straight on the bolt head with your socket or you may...
  9. H

    Rear deck rattle?

    Look at the Plastic Cover over the rear window brake light. A lot of them do not fit tight and will make an annoying rattle noise. From what I remember it just slides into place with some brittle fingers/clips that hold it in place, not tight.
  10. H

    Hissing noise under dash when ac on?

    It is more than possible that you are just low on refrigerant (not out) just low. Make sure that it is checked correctly before going any further. The compressor may be pumping vapor at first until the liquid reaches it. That could be your hissing sound. Mine was low and did the same thing.
  11. H

    timing cover crank shaft seal

    I took mine to a shop and had it pressed in. Just make sure to lube it prior. After watching it being pressed in I made the observation that I probably could have tapped it in with a rubber hammer but I'm glad I went with the press option. i think they charged me $6.
  12. H

    Average Owner/Member Age?

    2001 ls sport 3.9 45 yrs old
  13. H

    Newbie to Ls,Have a few questions.

    Disconnect the Battery Try disconnecting the Battery for a while (1/2-1 hour or longer). This will reset the transmission and it will slowly re-train itself to your driving habits. You may have some hard shifts at first but they will work out in time. When you first disconnect the battery turn...