Recent content by Icewood

  1. Icewood

    Key remote problems...

    So yesterday, as I'm leaving my house to get in the car I try and unlock it and the the key remote doesn't seem to be doing its job. I figure the batteries must be dead so I unlock the car w/ the key , get in , go to the nearest radioshack, purchase a batterie and put it in. Now I leave...
  2. Icewood

    New Ride In The Garage

    check out if you haven't already!
  3. Icewood

    finally ordered new wheels

    18's FTW!!!!!!!!
  4. Icewood

    New Ride In The Garage

    Hehe ! Nice eyes once again. I don't have any reason to lie about it, it's not going to make me feel like "more" of a person having a "real" serialized s281 , besides like I said I could have had one, but chose not to. I think that the 01-02 S281s came with the hood that I have on there...
  5. Icewood

    New Ride In The Garage

    Good eyes! No it isn't, it's a replica. I could have purchased a real S281 for the money I spent on this car but there are a few reason why I got this one instead, reasons I won't get into at this point...;) Btw: Just curious, how were you able to tell?
  6. Icewood

    New Ride In The Garage

    Saleen S281 Vert. I've actually had it for a few months now, I just haven't been very active online..either way here is a link to the cardomain. Check it out
  7. Icewood

    A review!?

    Hahaha yeah I must agree searching does pWnnn mEhhhh! Shame tho, only 10?
  8. Icewood

    How can you tell if coils are bad.

    My light was on , until I replaced all my plugs. Now that they have all been replaced the car drives alot better ( less power loss etc.) but it does still idle rough at times....but no light is on... what could it be?
  9. Icewood

    A review!?

    I wish sumbody would have PM'ed me about this lolll I would have loved to attend!!! hehe either way , any chance we can get another LVC meet going this year...?
  10. Icewood

    The Ls Is Giving Me Problems Again...

    So I went to get my spark plugs changed...and when I came to pick up the car they gave me a service sheet , it said that I needed a coolant flush and that my left head light was out... Now, I was aware of the coolant but the left light didn't go out until I received my car back from the...
  11. Icewood

    I think my tranny might be going out...

    ..well I am not intending on doing it myself , I just want to know what the dealer will be fixing for my own refferance.
  12. Icewood

    I think my tranny might be going out...

    what are the coils
  13. Icewood

    I think my tranny might be going out...

    Well guys, My Ls is a 00 V8 and has been running fine w/ no major problems ever since I got it about a year and a half ago. Just recently the car will jerk sort of back n forth like its trying to get into a certain gear but can't really do it once I hit about 50mph , anywhere from 50-60...
  14. Icewood

    what to do to fit 22's

    That black LS with 22s looks pretty damn nice. ( Reffering to the cardomain url that was posted ) Either way..I think even 20s on a LS are a little too big. 19s seem to be perfect. Maybe Im just saying this because I live in michigan and the roads here are completely fawkd up!
  15. Icewood

    Your Fastest Speed In A Ls

    Around ~ 120ish