Recent content by william hulbert

  1. W

    Cadillac Deville Suspension

    ride sensor in rear of car underneath but your best bet take to dealer have the plug it in and tell you whats wrong then you can go to parts counter get part and put it in yourself
  2. W

    Stereo removal.

    easy to remove 4 little bolts thats it just remove the molding around the radio just be gentle if you can buy a hayes manual for cadillac its at any part store
  3. W

    2004 Cadillac SLS - Replacing the gear shift light bulb

    ok lite on steering wheel each button is seperate pry off with small flat srew driver buttons are dealer item only around 15.00 20.00 each center console ,first block wheels if on hill put key in ignition and put turn on accessories only dont turn all the way you dont need to a start the...
  4. W

    2004 Cadillac SLS - Replacing the gear shift light bulb

    ps your steer wheel lite is in the manual also
  5. W

    2004 Cadillac SLS - Replacing the gear shift light bulb

    gear shift center console one bulb only it costs between 25-50 cents,now heres the thing the old bulb is white and so is the new one but the old one has a blue rubber on the tip take off and put on new bulb ,kind of like a rubber no pun intended,as far as getting at it the wood grain panel i...
  6. W

    1984 Cadillac Coupe DeVille Parts

    tell me what you need ive got it all or most of it at least,8023931506
  7. W

    Proud Owner of a 1984 CoupeDeVille

    if you ever need parts for that car i have everything you need to rebuild that car engines trans body interior frames all of it samething goes for anyone else out there i have 24 cadis from 70 to 90 s so if anyone need stuff send me a email devilles sevilles coupsdevilles fleetwoods,
  8. W

    2000 Deville occasionally slams every gear...

    thats wierd ,dont erase your codes on dash or by unplugging batt your trans is going into safe mode not sure why, but bring to dealer,have them plug it in to see whats cooking,
  9. W

    2002 Deville

    oooooohhhhhh.... hes ripping you off and he put a giant butt monkey on your back i dont get this graffic but hes take you for a ride.if you have any questions send me email or call 8023931506 theres alot more i can tell you but i suck a typing, lets just say if it were brake modual you would...
  10. W

    Problem with 03 Caddy Deville Radio

    not sure but if can take to dealer for a quick look but i believe radio my be bad, but not sure on that,these cars are not noted for radio problems
  11. W

    different shifters

    ok there are 3 kinds of devilles deville dhs deville and dts deville .dts is the one with the shift on the floor its the fast one not much of a govenor on it.the dhs and regular deville shut off at 112mph all 3 models i desribed started 2000-2005 yrs.
  12. W

    New to the forums just got a 1996 Deville

    well you can buy a code book to look up your trouble code.but if i had to guess the owner be fore you cleared the trans code because a modual inside transmition is bad 94.00 for modual and 1,500 in labor if done by dealer.
  13. W

    top speed

    155 mph for sts sls 112 devills 112 except dts yrs 2000 2005 130 or 155 not sure i havent brought mine up to that speed yet
  14. W

    99' STS not shifting after 2nd

    modual inside trans needs replacing 96.00 or so but labor 1,500 by a dealer 99.9% sure this is your problem
  15. W

    Northstar Question

    if your northstar burns oil take it out and drive it like you stole it rev it high and hard for a few days but dont get dumb with it, these engins are high horse power high reving and high compression driving it alittle hard does it if it still burns oil remove plugs soak cylinders...