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  1. manoli

    My transformed 2000 Ls8

    Holy crap man a lot has happend ! Glad the wife is ok. I love the G37 beautiful cars. Those sport shocks are a hot ticket item, i got lucky and got a full set on ebay a month or two ago.
  2. manoli

    The "NO... just no..." Build Thread.

    This is amazing , kudos to you!
  3. manoli

    My transformed 2000 Ls8

    Thanks BIG RIG glad to see you are very active. Ls4me its been forever ! still have 3 ls's? Joegr oh how ive missed your knowledge good sir.
  4. manoli

    My transformed 2000 Ls8

    Warehouse LS by Manoli Canoli, on Flickr"]Warehouse LS by Manoli Canoli, on Flickr[/URL] Cool i forgot how to post pics
  5. manoli

    My transformed 2000 Ls8

    After a 5yr hiatus......
  6. manoli

    Where to get a cheap Degas Bottle Oem Bottle, Trust me go Oem.
  7. manoli

    Official LS Picture Thread

    She's in the calender thread just decided for a booty shot this year ;)
  8. manoli

    Official LS Picture Thread

    Addicting right? Wait until you get your LS and you can roll with the rest of us.
  9. manoli

    Might Purchase 2004 Lincoln LS!

    Very cool Sooners, these guys on here should be pretty help full , they have already coverd most things that you should look for upon purchase. Looking forward to seeing some pics!
  10. manoli

    Accepting 2014 LVC LS Calendar Entries!!!!

    Mother of GOD.....
  11. manoli

    Lincoln Ls to LSE Conversion

    This still goes on here??
  12. manoli

    Accepting 2014 LVC LS Calendar Entries!!!!

    My submission
  13. manoli

    Official LS Picture Thread

    Kudos!!! at least you finally posted some pics haha!
  14. manoli

    Official LS Picture Thread

    Woa! nO MORE Chrome, Looks killer man great job....Figures I finally got around to getting the bumper out of bad.
  15. manoli

    The Only Coil Thread Needed. Design, Common Issues, Replacement, & MORE Included.

    +1 Excellent write up! I don't want to say it but.....(jinxing myself)....I myself have only replaced one coil so far 138k.
  16. manoli

    Official LS Picture Thread

    .......Not an LS. Lmao
  17. manoli

    Ben's LS

    I really want these wheels! Looks killer.
  18. manoli

    Aluminum Degas Bottle - pending production!

    Sweet i'm looking forward to this, Let me know if you need more help i would lend a hand for sure!
  19. manoli

    Official LS Picture Thread

    @lsmex Looks really good man.....But slim thug radio....Lol.
  20. manoli

    New Tires. New dent.

    Thats sucks man, maybe its time for an 06.....either way hope you stay in a LS.