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  1. G

    WOW!!! A new record in MPG's and miles on a tank! Pics inside.

    ...future reference. 06 V8. This was pretty much all freeway to and from work, and it's the best I think I'll EVER see, mostly because I had to try *REALLY HARD* to not be a leadfoot this tank. I'm not good at that part. Took some major willpower. I'm curious if anyone else has gotten similar...
  2. G

    Charging system dies, power steering goes, AND funny smell under hood?

    Joegr, the battery died a few weeks ago, replaced it and everything seemed fine since then. The cooling system had the typical high mileage overhaul, basically replaced the entire system. That was back in about November. So a lot has been going wrong in a relatively short time. Rather...
  3. G

    Charging system dies, power steering goes, AND funny smell under hood?

    So just out of curiosity, after the alternator is replaced and happy again, any thoughts on the stiff steering issue? It was making that noise a car makes when it's low on fluid, but the reservoir is nice and full. It was most noticeable at low RPM's, if that means anything.
  4. G

    Charging system dies, power steering goes, AND funny smell under hood?

    Well that's just irritating. I replaced the battery like 2 months ago. >:(
  5. G

    Charging system dies, power steering goes, AND funny smell under hood?

    On the way home from work tonight, I stop to get gas. Go to start her up and she randomly has trouble starting, lights go dim, get messages "Check charging system" AND "check traction control", lose lights completely 3 blocks from home, funny whining noise as if it had low power steering fluid...
  6. G

    Been Awhile!

    So first off, +1 for the Tex Murphy profile pic! And secondly, how do you not have the K&N Typhoon intake?!
  7. G

    Status check yesterday says charging system is fine...

    ... Today battery is dead. Makes perfect sense. :/
  8. G

    Another HVAC question. Controls inverted after changing the DCCV.

    Just wanna say, seeing an LS with 277k miles on it is really amazing! Gives me hope mine will last a good long while! ^_^
  9. G

    Turbo kit thread

    *drove car 300 miles, still hasn't posted video* ;)
  10. G

    Noticed coolant leak near front end, vent only blows hot. Thermostat bad?

    EXCELLENT! I knew I could count on ya, Joe. ;)
  11. G

    Noticed coolant leak near front end, vent only blows hot. Thermostat bad?

    Forgot to add, 06 V8. :P And I found this diagram here on the site, the part in question is #1 on the diagram, "coolant control valve". Are these difficult/expensive to replace?
  12. G

    Noticed coolant leak near front end, vent only blows hot. Thermostat bad?

    Howdy all! Just noticed today a drip of coolant near the front end (not the damn reservoir, thank goodness...) and on the drive home, the vent air suddenly turned quite hot. Got it home, inspected under the hood and it appears to be coming from a little box to the left of the radiator with...
  13. G

    Yikes, 8.2 sec 0-60? 06 V8, 113k miles. How can I restore power?

    Definitely. To be honest, I didn't notice much of a change at all when I first installed the aftermarket piece, it seems to run the same as it did before. I've just never actually timed the car since I've had it until now. So it's probably been this bad since I got it.
  14. G

    Yikes, 8.2 sec 0-60? 06 V8, 113k miles. How can I restore power?

    I have dealt with Joe before, stand up guy. ALWAYS great advice! :) Also, I didn't even consider elevation as a factor... Makes sense though. Apart from that, definitely some cleaning I could do. Though, that typhoon is staying put. That purr is SO SEXY. :D
  15. G

    Yikes, 8.2 sec 0-60? 06 V8, 113k miles. How can I restore power?

    Recently did a quick 0-60 just for the heck of it, used D4 since that seems to take it to the redline, came out to be around 8.2 seconds average in an 06 V8. I know my car is getting up there in mileage, but that seems really terrible... Plus I have the K&N Typhoon CAI. Any tips for restoring...
  16. G

    03 and 06 LS

    I've had my 06 for about 4 years now and it's the most reliable car I've ever owned. It's needed one major repair (leaky cooling system, common) since I bought it and anything else it's needed I've been able to do myself (COP's, EGRE replacement, tensioner pulley replacement), and I'm hardly a...
  17. G

    Why exactly can't I replace 1 COP at a time?

    Truth be told, I only had a problem with one of the six bolts on the driver's side... The stupid lower middle one that is behind a bunch of immovable crap. So when I got it out finally, I just looked at it, told it to F itself and threw it away. So there are only 5 on the driver's side now. I...
  18. G

    Why exactly can't I replace 1 COP at a time?

    Cool, thanks! Just wanted to make sure it wasn't some catastrophically damaging act to replace one at a time... Only reason I initially asked is I replaced all 8 not long ago and one just started acting up. Was hoping I could replace that one since the other 7 aren't that old. :P
  19. G

    Why exactly can't I replace 1 COP at a time?

    Just out of morbid curiosity... I always see, "you have to replace ALL the COPs if one goes bad" and I'm just wondering why this is. :)
  20. G

    Poll: Which placement of this 'v-8' chrome emblem do you like?

    How has this guy not been banned yet? Are the mods here asleep?