Am I the only one that received one?! Or didn't I use the right search words. Anyhow, it's the Safety Recall 05S28 - Speed Control Deactivation Switch Fire.
What switch are they referring to? I can't take mine to the dealer 'cuz it's not currently driveable or registered. But I'd at least like...
Okay, got 'er done. I had to trim the top of the rubber bushing/grommet for the sway bar to squeeze it by. I'm glad my wrenching buddy wasn't around to witness this debacle as he's a Chevy guy - it would've given him some ripe ammo to blast Ford's engineers and/or their way of doing things.
Lack of Information; sorry guys, tired last night. The lift I have is a 4 post that you drive onto as opposed to a 2 post that lifts from the frame and lets the suspension hang.
I've jacked this girl up (from no air in bags) fairly high and still can't get the darn filter through. I'm wondering...
Just got myself a '95 that's been sitting for at least 5 years. Air susp. is gone. I have it on my lift and while changing the oil discovered that I couldn't get the filter out after unscrewing it. The only info I could find is that you have to raise the car; how high???
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