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    New fords with 5x108 bolt patterns

    Has anyone looked into the new ford fusion rims? they are 5x108 and don't look too bad. If anyone has any on their car could you post pics? Will offsets work for our cars? lowered or not lowered?
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    wheel center caps

    I have some jaguar fondmetals and i lost/ broke 2 of my center caps. My question is, does anyone know where to get new center caps? I've seen some pictures of sentas with the Lincoln emblem, are those available anywhere? I will measure them later today to see if you guys can help me thanks in...
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    need a little help! putting the ls back together!

    I was wondering if anyone could take a quick picture of the wiring for the coils and injectors.. i took mine apart and i"m not sure how they went on the brackets the support the engine cover. Thank you! gen2 v8
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    I have a little problem...

    I guess it all started a few days ago, I was driving along everything seemed perfect. A few seconds later i look down and i have all sorts of warning lights that the car was over heating.. i turned the car off on the spot. The car never reached the red mark or anything, im just glad i caught it...
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    ls on the news :P try that one.. stupid thing
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    just a little something... thought it was pretty cool that ford is coming out with a REALLY fast car :)
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    lse bumper

    just bought an lse bumper, was wondering if the bulb size for the fogs were the same as the regular sport bumpers. thanks!
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    fastls cats!!

    can anyone find a posting on ebay from the same high-flow cats that fastls has on his car? im not having any goodluck finding them.. thanks for the help!
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    looking to order my full exhaust set up tonight.. set up will include, x pipe mufflers tips high flow cats maybe new 2.5" pipes ive been wondering if it is worth upgrading the pipes to 2.5" to be honest i just want some input. advantages if any? disadvantages if any? thank for...
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    Catalytic Converter

    So as i stated maybe a month ago, one of my cats went out. I have a gen2 v8. i am looking to get another cat, hopefully as cheap as possible, i've considered these...
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    New rims!!

    well finally bought new rims for the ls. Fond metals.. im pretty excited to get them on! the car is torn apart at my brothers shop waiting on new brakes, rotors, struts, and finally lower the back. I will also be painting the calipers but i still cant decide what color i should paint them. The...
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    Door latch assembly

    Well here it goes.... I took apart my rear/passenger side door in an attempt to fix my "lock actuator" The door does open and close by hand, but "electronically" will not open. It turns out there is a broken gear inside of the box, i tried just about all the glues there are(reasenble...
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    Catalytic convertor..

    2003 lincoln ls v8. Took the ls to my brothers shop and it seems like my cat is out :mad: i wanted to check if maybe someone got one for cheap? and if they could give me a website? any guidance would be great. thank you!
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    Happy Thanksgiving...

    I just wanted to wish all the lvc members a happy thanksgiving!!! enjoy and be safe!
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    ebay coils

    my car is running like poop and i thought i would just go ahead and replace all my coils once and for all.. can somone link me the most "reliable" ebay coils for me please and thank you!!
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    eibachs... pls read...

    so 2 days ago i decided to take my car to my brothers shop and replace the stock springs for the eibachs and at the same time change the rotors, which i got for free. After replacing the 2 front springs, rotors.. and pads.. i put everything back together.. well here's what happened... after...
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    tittle problem?!?

    so i purchased my car about 8 months ago from a private owner.. my registration sticker expired and in order for me to renew it i need to have the tittle under my name. When i went to the tax office to get the tittle changed to my name they were talking about something called the lemon law? im...
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    any thoughts on these?

    im looking to get some nice "cheap" rims.. thought those looked kinda cool.. these seem like they are in my $$$ range..wanted to see what you guys thought.. any other good looking wheels or if you have some for sale let me know! looking for 19" mostly. thanks guys...
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    Sprint springs.

    will anyone be interested in exchanging sprint lowering springs for eibachs?! if so pls let me know! thank you!
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    I have a bit of a problem

    So lately my car developed a whistling sound coming from somewhere in the motor... It sounds like an air leak... Mostly coming from the passenger side of the motor? It’s driving me crazy!! Maybe someone knows what’s going on?!?!the sound is mostly heard inside of the car.. cant hear it as much...