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  1. BlacksonAudio

    Only blows cold when driving

    I’m sure it’s posted in here somewhere... so while driving AC will freeze your balls off. But at idle cool to lukewarm. Day or night. No codes from DATC and I replaced the DCCv (Motorcraft) earlier this year. I’m thinking radiator or intercooler. V8 3.9 2002.
  2. BlacksonAudio

    What temperature is overheating?? Can we all agree?

    So I’ve been dealing with trying to lower my ECT to the elusive 198-205 range. Idling at 198 and going as high as 205 while driving. It seems i can’t get any lower than 205 idle after driving and upwards to 231 while driving. My main driving distance is 48 minutes city driving to work. 28 miles...
  3. BlacksonAudio

    High pitched whine

    I’ve been chasing a running hot/overheating issue for a month now. I think I read somewhere in one of these threads that it’s a hydraulic pump? Or the fans not getting fluid or enough fluid. I’ve read so much it’s insane
  4. BlacksonAudio

    Another overheating thread

    If you guys remember I ran hot. I was lead to the hydraulic system. I replaced it with a decent one I found at junk yard. No change. I took it off and cleaned it and still no change. I changed the tstat housing with the aluminum jag one and new tstat. No change. Found a leak coming from fan...
  5. BlacksonAudio

    ACblows cold only when driving

    So I just changed the dccv and the hydraulic actuator because the LS was overheating. Now I have an AC that only blows cold when driving... lukewarm at a idle. Pointers
  6. BlacksonAudio

    hydraulic fan actuator replacement

    So i'm having the fans spin but never ramp up speeds. i know the part is discontinued so my only hope is t find a working one in a u pull it but my questions are... is there a fuse or relay that would go bad that would cause this? I read that once it has been replaced to fill the resevoir with...
  7. BlacksonAudio

    Saying Goodbye to my old friend :(

    Many of you know of my LS @kleenv6!! She was rear ended last Wednesday and though the damage was minor because of where it took the hit will cost way more than a family man of six can pocket. Even with insurance money. So I’m moving on to a new LS but wanted to say good bye properly to my girl...
  8. BlacksonAudio

    Lincoln Brothers

    When I first got my LS a certain Moderator became my teacher. We’d share ideas... we’ll I’d pick his brain or bounce off things I was thinking of doing. We let stupid politics get in our way and we’ll... dude, I’m man enough to say it was dumb. Glad you’re still here with us.
  9. BlacksonAudio

    A bit of inspiration for LS Owners

    man we know the work we have to put into owning these beast of cars! I created these pictures to hopefully inspire you when you get that next misfire or overheating issue. also check my other pics at @kleenv6
  10. BlacksonAudio

    New DCCV replaced cold air only when parked or idling 2002 v6

    So i replaced the DCCV with a brand new motorcraft part. Bleed car and no overheating so I'm good so far. Temps fluctuate between 198-232. Now the weird part. The ac blows fine and heat blows fine. But once I drive the car the passenger loses cold air and only blows heat. If I'm parked cold air...
  11. BlacksonAudio

    I’ve searched but no luck.. cruise control

    ive searched the forum and keep finding the same solution so I’m hoping that solution did not work and some had to go further. My cruise control works intermittent. Some days I can go miles before it disengages. Others I can’t make it a 1/2 Mile if it engages at all. I have changed the...
  12. BlacksonAudio

    Ls IDLE bouncy (?) unless A/C is on....

    ...THEN its sits about 8-900rpm. If I turn the AC off it goes up to 1000-1100 rpm then does that bounce thingy. The engine sounds like I'm casually tapping the gas when it does that. It threw 3 codes, 0171, 0174 and 0402... Any clue? I've read IAC, EGR, PCV elbow, tensioner, etc.... Like could...
  13. BlacksonAudio

    Can't get the 12volt assecory outlet [POWERPOINT] to work ...LS '02

    the i bought the car the cigar lighter wasn't working so i used the outlet in the center console. Then 2 days ago it stopped working. So i came here and found the fuse location of the cigar lighter and changed it, viola, it works!! But i rather use the 12 volt in the center for charging phone...
  14. BlacksonAudio

    LS 2002 V6 runs hot when idle, AC blows hot but blows opposite when driving

    So i bought a 2002 V6 with 123868 miles from a private owner. Car runs amazing except yesterday the car ran hot at the red light and the AC started blowing hot. I called the owner and he asked me to drive the car an see if the car ran cool. Yep, sits midpoint on the gauge and the AC started...