About a week ago my throttle body went out so I bought a used one and I work fine for about a day now I have these 3 codes it'll crank up and run really good for about 3 seconds then it goes into etc failsafe mode... I just put new 8 ignition coils and spark plugs p2107
2005 ls v8. Fuel pump not coming on i changed pump all fuses and relay still fuel pump will not come on. I did find a burnt injector fuse i changed that to
2005 v8 crusing around under 2k rpm motor feels like a miss but no miss fire codes an injectors are firing like there suppose to i just changed the tps because it started to not want shift until around 3500k to 4k rpm just normal driving an if you really babied it when it would shift from 1st to...
before anybody says rebuild the coolant system lol i changed all the coolant plastic parts t stat new intake gaskets an new cylinder temp. Sensor noticed my fan was not coming on at all until 220 but fan was running slow not enough to cool so i cut the signal wire to make fan run wide open now...
I ordered a new coolant temp sensor the new one that's in the second pic is different threads it will only screw in maybe a thread or 2 then stop I don't want to force it. The old one I pull out is the 1st pic the one with the red sealant on the threads can any one tell what's going on with this...
I pulled vacuum on the coolant system when it was cold an hot. Vacuumed all the coolant lines shut I'm guess I don't have a leak anet it sit for 10 minutes. I've out new t.stat Degas bottle new radiator an new fan still it runs at 205 with heater on soon as I cut the heat from 90 to 60 degrees...
My first ls I got the car with overheating problems changed water pump radiator Degas bottle pulled vacuum to bleed air out of system ran great for about a week lol now it wants to over heat at idle so I pulled the thermostat out just to see if that was my problem it change anything it will...
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