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  • Users: J3FF
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  1. J

    Silly Lincoln LS Driver

    Check this out guys Hopefully it's not already been posted.
  2. J

    How many miles on your LS?

    How many miles does your LS have on it? 58K
  3. J

    F/S 2002 stock LS grille

    Before I posted up in the classifieds, I wanted to post here. I have a stock grille for a 2002 Lincoln LS. I sold the car with the LSE grille and don't have use for this grille anymore. Does anyone want it? I'll post pics soon.
  4. J

    02 LS with temperature issue.

    Ok, so this car has had some weird problems, but what is really irritating me is this strange problem that ONLY occurs after it has set a long while. It never does it after I've started it (And it actually started right) and I've driven it. The problem is. I was pull it out of the garage...
  5. J

    Got some stuff for sale...again

    Pictures tell it all... On the tube, dont worry about the end, its just masking tape. You will need to ad more in the spot for the filter to stay on the with any other tube. Headlights are blue Halos. They come with all wires, all harnesses, everything but...
  6. J

    2 Strange Acceleration problems

    HEy guys, I have a couple problems. Would a new fuel filter or pump help my first problem, and would the SCT flasher help my 2n problem?? First issue The other night I had just put in a full tank of gas and had to get back into traffic so I eased into the gas (like normal) then gave it...
  7. J

    Where can I find a pair of Enkei Kapone's?

    Just like the thread states. Where can I find some Enkei Kapone's for a good price? Would you suggest a tire/rim package, or do it seperate? Thanks.
  8. J

    Reverse Light

    I saw these cool colored reverse lights on an LS on here. One of mine blew so I was wondering if anyone could tell me what type of bulb I need. Here it is...
  9. J

    Worth the trade, 03 LS sport?

    As many of you know I have an 02 LS Sport. Well down at the local dealer, they have a black on black 2003 Lincoln LS V8 sport. 29K, every option but navigation. They are asking $17,900. It looks just like mine, but only a newer year. I have fairly new tires, so I would just have them swap...
  10. J

    TWO TONE?!? Ebay LS. This is different, I don't think I've seen this before.
  11. J

    Cool LS, rediculous seller.

    This guy thinks he's going to get over $40,000 for a car worth $20,000 with about $10K of work on it.
  12. J

    Exhaust help

    Does anyone know where I can find the pointdown piping (NOT TIPS) that the LSE has. If you look up at an LSE it has a part between the muffler and tip where it points it down so it will fit in the cutout. Any help would be HIGHLY appreciated.
  13. J

    Wings West front air dam

  14. J

    McLaren tails?

    Does anyone have a pictures of the tails on their car? Any color would work, preferably black though. I'm debating on whether smoked tail look better, or the claren ones.
  15. J

    LSs in Panama City?

    I've seen alot of interesting ls's while down here in panama. Saw a silver one with a custom grille and 20's and a white one with the wings west kit on it. Anyone own these?
  16. J

    Parts for sale.

    I'm selling my car, so all my aftermarket is going. Heres what I got. KKM Induction tube with Filter + K& N filter cleaner $250 Magnaflow Exhaust - $350 Cleared out headlights -$120 Halo Headlights - with harnesses, just plug and play $250 Wings west side skirts and rear bumper sanded...
  17. J

    Painting the KKM intake

    So has anyone ever tried painting th intake tube to try and keep it cooler? Isn't there something you can do to keep it somewhat resistant to high temperatures, without having to wrap it in bubblewrap?
  18. J

    Nice, but odd LS on ebay

    THis guy pulled off the front end conversion on his 2001 LS. Plus, what is the deal with the SUPER SPORT badges on some LS's?
  19. J

    Wings West Kit

    Does anyone have the wings west kit installed on their LS? I know there are some people with the razzi kit, but I have not seen the real wings west kit installed except for on the LSK website. Any help?
  20. J

    2003+ rear bumper on a 2002?

    Would a 2003 LS rear bumper fit the 2002 LS? Im trying to pull off a conversion. Any help would be highly appreciated.