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  • Users: MangoMan
  • Content: Threads
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  1. M

    The bottom spoiler on my car broke off

    Hey all, I've got a question. I've got an 02 LS, and I just moved to a house with a steeeep driveway, and going up the driveway yesterday, I ripped off the lower spoiler/bumper thing under my bumper. It's black, goes arround the entire front of the car. Anyway, how much does one of these cost to...
  2. M

    Bringing my LS up north...

    Hey all. Well, I'm moving. On the 20th, Im moving to Langhone, PA, and the LS is taking me there. But, the car has never been in the winter. Shes a Florada native. Any tips on how to winterise my LS? Anything I should do or look out for? And, how do these cars preform in the snow? Am I going to...
  3. M

    I need some advice on Selling my 02 LS

    Hey All. I need some advice on selling my LS. See, I bought this car in December for about 18 grand. I think I overpaid, and today, I lost my job. I can't pay the 370 a month for this car, so it needs to go. If I cant get rid of it, my credits ruined because I cant make the payments anymore. I...
  4. M

    So, heres a stupid question

    Hey guys, I have a stupid question, and I cant seem to find the answer. Im going to be going to New Jersey in November, and am going to rent a car. Somting simple and cheap, like a tauras. But the question is, Im only 21. Can I legaly rent one, or do you need to be 25?
  5. M

    So, who knows stuff about Video Cards?

    So, I need to get a new video card for my computer, so I can play some computer games I bought. I have a sony vio right now, but I cant play "Call of Duty 2" or "True Crime:Streets of NY" because my Video Card isnt good enough. What kind should I get, thats retlitvely cheap, but will give me...
  6. M

    Angel Eye Headlights

    Hey all. So, I want to get the Angel eye Headlights for my LS, low and high beam. Now, I was looking on LS Koncepts, and they have the kit, but it says it does not include the head lights. So, where can I find those at? I looked on E-Bay and nothing came up for the LS, just BMW's. Or, does...
  7. M

    Cleaned up my LS and took some new pics of her today

    Just cleaned up the LS- its been raining here for a few days, so she needed a good washing, and took some pictures. And hey, what do you guys think of those chrome peices that go over your window pillars? I think they are the B-Pillars. I've been thinking about getting them, but I dont want...
  8. M

    What kind of Gas Milage does the LS get on the highway, long distance?

    Hey all. Im about to drive from Florada to NJ in my 02 LS. Im trying to figure exactly what gas is going to cost me. I dont drive on the highway much at all, so I havent seen much of a diffrence in Gas mileage. So, I was wondering, does the LS do alot better on the highway on long distance...
  9. M

    Really Cool Isuzu Ad.

    I found this on the net, and since theres no "general" fourm, I thought Id share it with ya'll here. It's a really cool Isuzu ad from the 80's.
  10. M

    How much does the 35000 Mile service cost?

    Hey all. Im bringing in my LS for its 35,000 mile service on Monday, but I cant reach the dealer service because their closed. How much does this run you, on average?
  11. M

    Proud Owner of a 1984 CoupeDeVille

    Hey, all. I'm new to these forums, and I've been poking arround on the site, and youve got some great stuff here. Anyhoo, I just aquired my second Cadalac about a month ago. I'm the proud owner of a 1984 Caddie Coupe DeVille, with only 39,000 Orignal miles on it! I work for a car dealer called...