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  1. N

    Car Show in Indy

    I have a friend who works as an instructor at Lincoln Tech in Indy. I told him I would spread around the car show he put together. July 14 Lincoln Tech Campus:7225 Winton Drive Indianapolis, Indiana 46268 $20 entry fee, includes hot dog lunch, T shirt, and Dash Plate Categories are Chevy...
  2. N

    Since Rollins GT5 thread got deleted somehow

    I am on Level 30 currently trying to complete the Red Bull Challenge. I hate that car. It's too easy to control, therefore making it ridiculously hard to control. Level 14 on the Spec B. Thought Spec B was dumb, but now that I have a 5 wk old son I like being able to let the race go and...
  3. N

    Main Processing Unit

    Hey guys I have a question for y'all. My brother has a 2000 LS and he just found out the dealer had to replace the #1 coil. Now the dealer is saying the main processing unit- their words has to be replaced. It needs to be replaced because "it's still jumping from cylinder to cylinder". I can...