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  • Users: JH1
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  1. J

    For Sale 1994 Town Car, Low mileage - Sale Advice

    I had not heard of before this. I will definitely check it out -- thanks!
  2. J

    For Sale 1994 Town Car, Low mileage - Sale Advice

    Good tip -- thanks!
  3. J

    For Sale 1994 Town Car, Low mileage - Sale Advice

    Again, good advice. And cash from a bank teller is even more safe nowadays (if only slightly). Thanks for the help & Happy Holidays to you and all here!
  4. J

    For Sale 1994 Town Car, Low mileage - Sale Advice

    All this sounds like great advice -- thanks for laying out the process so clearly! Sorry about belaboring things, but one last question -- what form(s) of payment would you accept? I have no idea about now, but years ago the advice was to accompany the buyer to HIS bank and walk away with cash...
  5. J

    For Sale 1994 Town Car, Low mileage - Sale Advice

    So far no luck on the Lincolns Online forum. No one there so much as dropped a message with sales advice, let alone an offer. As for what I decide, at this point my first task is finding what would be a fair price. I feel the car is unique so don't want to give it away, but so far all the car...
  6. J

    For Sale 1994 Town Car, Low mileage - Sale Advice

    Thanks for the correction. As you say, I will look for other forums. I know of the Lincolns Online forum, but I suppose there may be others.....
  7. J

    For Sale 1994 Town Car, Low mileage - Sale Advice

    I had already looked in those car price guides when I created this thread. Sadly, the figures they gave varied a lot, and I don't mean wholesale vs. retail vs. trade-in, etc. And as implied earlier, I have zero idea about what's reasonable to tack on for condition. As to where I wish to sell...
  8. J

    For Sale 1994 Town Car, Low mileage - Sale Advice

    We are considering selling our Lincoln Town car. I hate to do it, but my wife wants a "smaller" car. Details: 1994 Lincoln Town car, 53k ORIGINAL miles, Cartier model with gray leather interior (great shape - no rips, tears, etc.), paint is special order pearlescent white. This car has never...
  9. J

    94 TC digital clock

    Hello- The digital clock in our 1994 Town Car has started to give trouble. Some days the clock is totally dark and appears to be dead. But then it'll work fine for several days -- it will light up and keep time perfectly. Sometimes it's in between -- it'll be illuminated but the time will...