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  1. V

    Yep. Democrats sure Suck!

    Buddies Funny how true this is!
  2. V

    Here Libbies. How's this for outrage!

    Man all I know............ Man that newsweek crap is so god damn stupid...I hate libs. All I know is if that :q:q:q:q Hillary somehow pulls off the presidency I moving my business to mexico. I love my country but If we fall that far to elect her, whoa I give up. Oh I suppose to the libs...
  3. V

    Door Locks possible Problems!

    Did you ever talk to a dealer? I talked to the local dealer and they could not find anything wrong.
  4. V

    Door Locks possible Problems!

    I bought a 2000 V6 lincoln LS on the new years But the poblem is With the car running If I get out and leave the keys in I locks the doors! Is this normal I really don't think It is normal but what do I know P.s. This has happend twice today so I am getting good at...