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  1. orologo

    Custody Battle

    Dallas, TX (AP) - A seven year old boy was at the center of a Dallas County courtroom drama yesterday when he challenged a court ruling over who should have custody of him. The boy has a history of being beaten by his parents and the judge initially awarded custody to his aunt, in keeping with...
  2. orologo

    Not LS related, still happy news.

    Woo-hoo! Ladies and gents, it's been a long time coming but it was confirmed about an hour ago. My wife, son and I will be welcoming another boy into our family. We are all very excited and are looking forward to having him at home to share great moments with him. Thank you all for your kind...
  3. orologo

    door courtesy lights

    Thanks guys, good looking out.
  4. orologo

    door courtesy lights

    soory to highjack your thread stallone 81, but can anyone tell me where i can get the whole housing for these lights, P/N? the clips broke off and the lenses fell off and the rivet looking atachments cracked and the lights on both front doors are facing inward. and yes, i did search...
  5. orologo

    Any interest San Diego?

    The gates and tech open at 6 PM with racing starting at 6:30 PM. I will be at Qualcomm no later than 7, but if anybody wants to meet beforehand, we can set up a time and location and caravan in afterwards. The whole event is great for the whole family, my family and I have been out there the...
  6. orologo

    Any interest San Diego?

    Come on ladies and gents, really, no interest from the local area? Alax, where exactly are you?
  7. orologo

    Any interest San Diego?

    This has been talked about before with no results, anybody interested? Post #16.
  8. orologo

    San Diego Area LS owners.....

    San Diego stand up Two and a half years since this thread has seen any action. Since nothing ever came of it with a so-cal wide meet, how about we start local and see what kind of turn out San Diego can muster. I know it's short notice, but how about Race Legal at Qualcomm on June 18th? We...
  9. orologo

    Not LS related, still happy news.

    Thank you all for your good wishes, my family and I appreciate it. 02LincLS, I have just one right now. My son is four years old, he'll be five October 15. tagliato, I'm using orologo, in spanish, for horologist. I've been collecting and trading watches for the last 6 years, different...
  10. orologo

    Not LS related, still happy news.

    Hello everybody, just taking up some bandwidth to pass on the good news. My wife and I decided a couple of months back to work on another baby, today it was confirmed with the doctor that she is one month one week pregnant. We found out a few days ago at home, but decided to wait to confirm it...
  11. orologo

    Extreme Auto Fest San Diego

    Thanks guys... Thanks guys, it was alot of fun. My son really enjoyed himself out there. I stand corrected, the BMW is indeed a 3 series. I talked to one of the Marines that works in the same squadron as I do, he is in the same club as the guy that owns the Bimmer. He tells me that it's not...
  12. orologo

    Lookin at some new wheels (serious thread)

    Fock it, if you like them and the price is with-in your means, pull the trigger.
  13. orologo

    Extreme Auto Fest San Diego

    A few more... Good looking Prowler, Supercharged and 150 shot, Flat black M5, No idea, but good looking car, Good looking Merc, And IMHO, the best looking Ford out there. 1964 Falcon Wagon, or 1960 or 1961. The guy that owns it was wearing a Mopar...
  14. orologo

    Extreme Auto Fest San Diego

    Here's the pictures guys. A lot of good looking cars out there, only one LS. We'll take a look at that one first. What do you guys think? Here's an RX-7 with a Corvette engine. And this one of my son standing next to this redamndonkulous 42"...
  15. orologo

    Extreme Auto Fest San Diego

    Anybody in the SoCal area going to the show at Qualcomm?
  16. orologo

    Relocated where are my lvc boys at!!!!

    Welcome to SoCal. Nice weather and lots to do. I'm in S.D off the 15 near Qualcomm.
  17. orologo

    1st gen LSE parts

    full set if price is right, what you asking for them?
  18. orologo

    Pictures (take 2)

    Car looks great man, wheels make it pop. Here's a link where they can be got.
  19. orologo

    New member Just saying hi

    Welcome aboard dlo73, Enjoy your stay here, alot of useful info on here and alot of clowns that keep this forum fun and interesting. Thick skin is a must. :D
  20. orologo

    Finally getting to it...

    After over a month since my LS got backed into by the girl that came to deliver the pizza we ordered, I finally took some time to sand down my bumper and repaint it. I still need to apply clear coat, want to give it some time to completely dry. This is from the night it happened, These...