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    **Lincoln LS - PCM Interchangeability**

    So just thought I'd update the thread. Ever since the PCM was swapped (with an appropriate V8 one), the engine still ticked on cylinder 7. Cyl. 7 maintained and then lost compression, likely due to a chipped / cracked valve. I told myself I'd drive this car into the ground and so I did...
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    **Lincoln LS - PCM Interchangeability**

    The diodes in the alternator have been failing. The flickering battery light has been going on for the past 2 years. ~14.2-14.3v while running. No voltage / amperage drop when the light comes on. "Check AdvanceTrac", I don't know. I suppose it could be a by-product of the alternator issues...
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    **Lincoln LS - PCM Interchangeability**

    I agree that blowing PCMs is indicative of bigger problems / wiring issues. If its of any relevance, the car also experiences random flashing of the battery light, AdvanceTrac light, and has also now gone through a second clockspring (causing intermittent airbag lights as well). The car has...
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    **Lincoln LS - PCM Interchangeability**

    Sadly, it is not the coilpacks or spark plugs. I've got a box full of known good (OE / and aftermarket) COPs that I've amassed over the years. Tried at least a half dozen of them, and replaced the Cyl 7 spark plug for my own curiousity with a brand new MotorCraft plug. No dice. The indy's...
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    **Lincoln LS - PCM Interchangeability**

    Darn.. well I paid $48 for a door lock actuator and the PCM. Guess that's not too big of a loss. All have been replaced a couple years ago. As have both VCGs. They're fine - I started the car with each COP out of the cylinder, and a spark plug on it. All provided spark. Fuel injector on Cyl...
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    **Lincoln LS - PCM Interchangeability**

    Hey fellas, My family member's 2001 Lincoln LS V8 has been diagnosed as having a faulty PCM, causing a misfire on Bank 2 (Cyl 7) Our indy mechanic has all of the Ford / Lincoln diagnostic and programming tools as his disposal. Question is, could a donor PCM from a 2000 Lincoln LS V6 be...
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    Intake Resonator/Silencer Removal (2000-2002 LS V8)

    Appreciate it. What is the difference in sound afterwards?
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    Intake Resonator/Silencer Removal (2000-2002 LS V8)

    Thanks, still hope someone has a definitive answer however.
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    Intake Resonator/Silencer Removal (2000-2002 LS V8)

    I know it'll need to be covered up, I'll probably do that with a piece of plastic and some epoxy. The question is, does it have to be hacked off, or does it come apart? I've seen the 03+ silencer delete threads, but those are different.
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    Intake Resonator/Silencer Removal (2000-2002 LS V8)

    Hello members. Just a quick question to all you first-gen Lincoln LS V8 owners. I installed a cone intake today with the adapter for the stock intake tube and would like a little bit more sound. How can I go about removing this silencer? The little tab on the left (facing the engine) has...