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    New Mass Air Flow sensor making car run like crud

    I will drive it in the morning to get the codes to come back....
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    New Mass Air Flow sensor making car run like crud

    Is the IAT built into the MAF on these cars... 03 ls V8... if not where is it located...
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    New Mass Air Flow sensor making car run like crud

    ok, I reset computer and no luck. Put old MAF in and it runs "better" than with new MAF. Still sputtering when cold. I will have to follow up on the vacuum leaks...
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    New Mass Air Flow sensor making car run like crud

    Thanks... I will go plug it in... lol
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    New Mass Air Flow sensor making car run like crud

    So I was having issues at cold start, and the codes pointed to the MAF. I replaced it and now the car wont hardly idle and is really having issues...Am I missing something?
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    2003 LS V8 Looks like coolant is coming from behind crankpulley.... thoughts

    Thanks for all the help on this everyone... I have it all back together and everything is doing fine. As of now I have replaced everything on the cooling system... That metal gasket has raised ribs around all the openings, and when torqued down they seal with out the use of rubber... that is...
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    2003 LS V8 Looks like coolant is coming from behind crankpulley.... thoughts

    looking at the blow up on Ford only shows the metal gasket and no O ring replacement
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    2003 LS V8 Looks like coolant is coming from behind crankpulley.... thoughts

    So I was just told be a technician that the metal gasket replaces the O ring... not sure I agree ....
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    2003 LS V8 Looks like coolant is coming from behind crankpulley.... thoughts

    Ok, found the problem and yes .. O ring inside was toast. Thanks on that.... Now the water pump I ordered was a Gates water pump. Came with a metal gasket... but no O ring.... is there suppose to be one or does it not need it. Called local parts stores and they do not show a O ring... just the...
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    2003 LS V8 Looks like coolant is coming from behind crankpulley.... thoughts

    I have looked the engine over with a light and still no luck finding the leak. New water pump should be here today so maybe get it replaced this weekend. My question is... can the water pump leak into the timing cover? I see the water dropplets on the middle bolt on the bottom of the timing...
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    2003 LS V8 Looks like coolant is coming from behind crankpulley.... thoughts

    Not sure on the oil to water cooler. I have replaced most everything on the coolant system. The day after I bought the car the radiator shot craps and that is when I joined this site and started learning about the ls. After reading several posts I replaced most all plastic parts, and thought I...
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    2003 LS V8 Looks like coolant is coming from behind crankpulley.... thoughts

    I found another thread that said it might be the oil filter adapter, but I changed mine today and that is not it. I cleaned off the oil in the area and it looks like it is coming out of the bottom side of the timing chain cover. IS that possible with these cars or maybe the water pump is leaking...
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    03 ls thermostat

    Problems coming to the surface First thanks for the information, it is a GenII V8, So I started tearing into the thermostat last night and found all kind of goodies. First the water fill housing, where the thermostat locks into was missing an ear. So I think the thermostat was sitting crooked...
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    03 ls thermostat

    Found the leak So wife pulls in the driveway today and shuts the car off. Looks like it is overheating, I pulled the engine cover off and it is steaming from around the water neck. So I have taken the advice on here and ordered a new thermostat from ford $25 and the plastic housing $75. Will be...
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    03 ls thermostat

    Hey all, just bought an 03 ls and wife loves it. I think it has some issues that I am currently addressing. First is the cooling fans run loud sometimes. I have researched and found that some are ran by power steering fluid, is this correct and how do I tell. The next is that it smells hot...