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    1/4 mi times settled...whats 0-60?

    I noticed that the '94 is missing from the list..... Could it be because "IT" is the fastest? MUhhhahahahahaha!!!! :waving:
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    I think that it looks silly personally, but hey.... its not my car.
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    Chicago gas hits $3.33 a gallon! How much are you paying?

    The oil reserve is not intended to bring the price of gas down. It is ment for an emergency when we can't get oil and it would threaten our economy. I agree that the gas prices suck, but I don't think that the nation will fail if we have to pay $3 or even $4 a gallon. I wouldn't blame Bush...
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    Chicago gas hits $3.33 a gallon! How much are you paying?

    The gas cap in Hawaii is actually only a cap on the wholesale cost of gas before tax. There is no cap on what they charge at the pump. There is usually about a $0.12 mark-up from the wholesale price at the pump, but it could be more. When you factor that in and the taxes, Gas is still over $3.00...
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    age and location check.....

    32/Arizona (for the moment) Military, so I have been all over...... California, Denver, Korea, Africa, etc... Currently in Arizona, but originally from Oklahoma...... and YES I'm a Sooner :give
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    Making a lincoln mark VIII model... need your help

    Hmmm..... This sounds like a cool idea. I may give it a shot as well. I use Lightwave though, not 3DS Max.
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    My exhaust system Video and Sound...

    You can get a lot better sound recording by buying an external microphone and plugging it into your camera. Not sure how many would want to buy a nice microphone just to record a few secs of exhaust, but who knows..... some of us are freeks. :Beer
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    '95 MKVIII vs. New Pontiac G6 GT, what ya think?

    Heh, I'm sure that the Mustange II pic is ment to be funny, but I had one when I was in Highschool. It was a 4 speed, had a 4 barrel carb, exhaust, and I believe 411 gears (?). It would smoke all my friends new GT mustangs. It wasn't the cobra though. But one day I was getting on it pretty hard...
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    Lincoln Mark VIII HotRod edition

    I like it
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    Lincoln Mark VIII Headlight Replacement

    If they are in the $200-$300 a pair range, count me in. My wife hates to drive my car at night. So, I know that she (the boss) will go for it.
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    weird gas mileage display

    I would agree. I just went on a long road trip, and when I filled up the other day, it read "541 till empty". The computer takes into account the last 500 miles when computing.
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    Fuel gage not working

    I just started having a problem with my fuel gage not working. It isn't all the time, but sometimes it says its empty when its full. It will also give a 1/2 full or 1/4 full reading at times. Anyone know what this might be? How to fix it? etc.... Thanks
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    The ugliest LS...

    Thats a darn shame.... The car would be really nice without all of that garbage. I wonder how much trouble it would be to put it back in the domestic-looking catigory?
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    Walking Tall

    Gratz man!! Thats really cool!
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    Article for 94 air intake tube mod?

    I did the exact same thing. It works great and takes seconds. Buck 50 from Home depot.
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    Hi from Kuwait

    I just got back from deployment to Djibouti in November. How was the heat? I'll tell you, I didn't think that it could get any hotter than the middle east, but I was wrong...... Africa is crazy HOT!!! Stay safe out there and come home safe.
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    Good Deal on a Mark for someone!

    It may be a piece, but I'll bet you could part it out for double what he is asking.
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    Taking off Lower Intake Resonator/Snorkel Info.

    Just making sure that I'm reading this right.... The silencer/snorkel is the plastic piece that you can see when you take the air box out right? Looks like a black plastic tube right under it? I'm going to rip mine out too. I like when you can do something to your ride for FREE!
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    0-100 MPH Short Video...

    couldn't get the link to work
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    my stock wheels, how much?

    I have seen them on ebay for around $100 if I remember right. Of course, you have to consider shipping.