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  1. SoonerLS

    17 inch tires

    Yep, it was for a cold climate, to accommodate tire chains; why a dealership in Lawton, OK (from where my dealer got it) ordered it, I'll never know. We don't normally get much snow around here, and certainly not nearly enough to justify chains.
  2. SoonerLS

    Is my Lincoln possessed by satan??

    If you're really only getting 11psi at the rail, you most likely have a weak fuel pump, with leaking fuel injectors or a plugged fuel filter as possibilities. You're waaay under pressure--you should be seeing (IIRC) around 50psi while running. I'm gonna guess that it's probably not leaking...
  3. SoonerLS

    17 inch tires

    My '06 came from the factory with 16" wheels, and my speedo was off when I switched to 17" wheels. I don't remember by how much, but it was off.
  4. SoonerLS

    ETC Engine Failsafe Mode, but only when snowing.

    My advice on replacing the COPs is replace all of the COPs and plugs as a unit. An 8mm (maybe 7mm?) wobble socket (combination socket and universal joint) is useful for removing the back bolts on the COP cover. You'll also need some RTV, as you're supposed to use it to seal where the cables come...
  5. SoonerLS

    Another won't start thread

    Really, the only things that could go wrong with the transfer/jet pump are holes in the plastic that don't allow the main pump to draw fuel from it, or a failure of its fuel level sensor. It doesn't really have any moving parts to go bad. There are two springs that push the pickup against the...
  6. SoonerLS

    Another won't start thread

    Yep. I found a pic of a 1st Gen "transfer pump," and it looks a lot like the 2nd Gen "pump," although the 2nd Gen pump is a more simple design because the in-tank cross over lines eliminate a lot of the 1st Gen's tubing. (I didn't take pics when I was doing it, but my recollection is that the...
  7. SoonerLS

    manual chime in reverse

    No problemo. I've only used it for diagnostics and datalogging so far. I keep thinking I'll order the parts and use it to activate the autolamps and remote start on my truck, but reasons...
  8. SoonerLS

    manual chime in reverse

    I wouldn't worry too much about it. My LS sat for more than two years, and the battery was dead for a goodly part of that time, and it didn't have any electronic problems, unless you count the bad fuel pressure sensor as an electronic problem.
  9. SoonerLS

    manual chime in reverse

    It might--FORScan is a powerful tool. You can use it to do things that dealers can't do with the Ford tools. If you want to see some practical usage of it, take a look at this thread from F150 Forum: Forscan applications - Ford F150 Forum - Community of Ford Truck Fans I mean, it's gonna snow...
  10. SoonerLS

    Another won't start thread

    Mine was an '06, which were all V8s. I'm not sure why mine was so badly corroded, but the one I pulled from the '06 in the LKQ yard was not corroded at all. I'm not sure if they punctured the gas tank to drain it, but it was definitely empty, and it seems like it was open to the...
  11. SoonerLS

    Attention LS owners Forscan is a must have app!!

    Forscan can do a heck of a lot, and is big in the F-150 community. I've only used it for datalogging and diagnostics, but it can edit parameters in the PCM, at least on the F-150s. FORScan Home I've used this Bluetooth adapter ( ) on both my F-150...
  12. SoonerLS

    Another won't start thread

    Unlike the AJV8, the D30 has a Schraeder valve for attaching a fuel pressure test gauge, at least according to AllData (or, as I call it after my experiences with the fuel system problems, SomeData). For the V8s there's a crossover hose that has to be replaced with a hose from the test kit (or...
  13. SoonerLS

    Another won't start thread

    I used the pumps I pulled at an LKQ yard; I think they cost me around $30. The $50 tool to break the locking rings loose cost more (the '06 uses different locking rings than earlier models--they use a flat stamped steel ring, supposedly the same as Ford uses on other vehicles). The hardest part...
  14. SoonerLS


    Nope--it went with the car when I sold it to my brother, so he has it.
  15. SoonerLS

    what year did Lincoln work the bugs out ? If ever

    There were NVH considerations, but it was primarily because the 4.6L would have to have been top-loaded, which was a non-starter on the assembly line. The 4.6 won't fit between the shock towers when loaded from underneath, unlike the more compact AJV8.
  16. SoonerLS

    Another won't start thread

    I ran into this problem (or one very much like it) when I was getting my '06 back on the road. Check the fuse for the fuel pump in the fusebox in the trunk; I bet you'll find it's blown. I don't remember which one it is, but it's a blue 20A fuse. In my case, that fuse was blown, so we replaced...
  17. SoonerLS

    Arrrg...hit by a bicyclist :|

    You've never driven I35 between Ft. Worth and Austin, have you? ;) Call me chicken, but I've never seen the need to intentionally ride my bike on a 50mph section road with no shoulder and an 8-foot bar ditch (probably full of sand burrs), but I see people doing it every day.
  18. SoonerLS

    Where to buy 04-06 LSE front bumper cover?

    Yes, non-Sport shocks--and no SST. ETA: From the '06 Order Guide: 16" 7-Spoke Polished Aluminum (for vehicles requiring snow chains) NOTE: This wheel should only be ordered in areas that require snow chains. Replaces SelectShift transmission & Sport Tuned suspension w/5-speed automatic...
  19. SoonerLS

    Where to buy 04-06 LSE front bumper cover?

    Nope; my '06 is not. It has 16" wheels and the "non-sport" shocks; it's supposed to be some kind of cold weather package, for dealing with tire chains. Why a dealer in Lawton, OK, would end up with one, I have no idea, but that's where my dealer got it.
  20. SoonerLS

    Where to buy 04-06 LSE front bumper cover?

    Not all '03-'06 V8s are Sports ( ;) ), but all '06es are V8s and do have the LSE front bumper cover.