Thanks .. I'll need to take it to the shop that did the work .. Let me ask another question if I may .. I had brought it in to begin with because my strut rod bushings were shot. They did that and told me I needed that one LCA needed replacement. Something tells me they may have screwed up with...
Just a quick question : Can the lower ball joints only be replaced or do I have to replace the LCA as a unit. Both were bad during the safety inspection today .. one LCA replaced a little over a year ago so it's under warranty. 96 Mark VIII by the way. Thanks in advance.
Just an update ... jacked up the car ..crawled under .. and started laughing ... no way I could get that off without a lift. Great engineering on that placement ! Ended up taking it to my mechanic .. well worth the 180.00 for labor ..
I would like to to check the relay for the ignition but not sure where it is. Does anyone know ? I couldn't find anything in the master manual. I'd like to jumper it to make sure It's the starter first before this old man crawls under the 96 Mark and tries to get that top bolt off .. the one...
I just had a similar problem with bad misfiring. I also tried new plugs and coils. Turned out to be leaking intake manifold gaskets (lower) . If you can, get someone to do a smoke test. Since I had it done, the car has never run better as I think it was a minor leak when I bought it 9 years ago...
I took the car to a new shop in town and they diagnosed and fixed the problem. The intake manifold gaskets were leaking. They had a tough time finding the gaskets though. One set came with a lower gasket that was plastic and about a 1/4 " thick ( Felpro) . Car runs better than ever now. I think...
Thanks ... I think it's time to get it checked and diagnosed at a shop. # 6 misfiring again this morning so I popped the hood and heard a light tapping on that cylinder head. Not a happy sound to hear.
Perhaps my F-injectors are going bad or their wiring ? If the issue was constant I could get a better idea of what the heck it might be but, I can cruise on the highway with no issues .. no codes .. runs smooth as silk. I can go a month with no problems. I'll check the plugs for # 6 and 7 to see...
Could anyone let me know which sensors decide which plug fires in order ? I have had various issues with # 7 misfire .. recently # 6 too. It is not constant for # 7 ..only when under load and some days just fine .. # 6 started to misfire the other day and suddenly stopped today. The only codes...
I had the same thing in my 96. I just replaced the radiator. make sure you save the fitting that the trans. fluid lines run into and reinstall on the new radiator. Since I had the radiator out, I replaced the water pump as well since I had the extra room. The engine has run a lot cooler since I...
I got one for my 96 at Rock Auto last year. I'd suggest getting a new connector too. They are attached to the fan housing with steel rivets that you'll have to drill out and replaced with bolts and lock washers. ( or at least my 96 was).
My 96 Mark VIII is stumbling bit on acceleration or going up a hill. It isn't every time but enough to cause concern. No codes are showing. If I pump the accelerator a couple of times, it clears up so I am thinking perhaps it's the TPS .. It runs fine on the highway.. just getting onto the...
I had the same problem here in Mass. That brine solution is a killer on cars. My 96 MK VIII had the same problem. I had to have all my brake lines replaced .. then my tranny cooling line about 2 months later. When I bought it about 6 years ago, no rust whatsoever.
Found it finally .. At Advance of all places. The descriptions I got from Ford and the confusing diagrams got me off base. The Ford Parts site said it went from the condenser to the Compressor and that was just wrong. Thanks to all who offered help. PeterK. ps: a 50 dollar part that the shop...
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