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  1. 9


    ....what does sex have to do w/it? i'll tell you like i did someone else.....if you're not in the band....get your foot off the stage......
  2. 9


    .....if you ain't in the band.....get off the stage.....
  3. 9


    .......perhaps you'll be next.....
  4. 9


    .....and today. what should i have to be angry about today? surely you understand he's YOUR president. but i'm just angry.....not a moron.....
  5. 9


    duh, doesn't realize and understand stuff... angry trumper....probably just a moron....oh, wait, that's me......
  6. 9


    it appears most of this happened during the democraps watch..... you truly are that much of a moron....
  7. 9


    We ALL get what was voted for. You really should get checked out, moron.
  8. 9

    Trump 'bout some hillman college for you. just takes a little faith.....
  9. 9


    that the best you got? moron..... guess that means you're a wrongist?
  10. 9


    bait; go join white dudes for ,la. you'd fit right in....
  11. 9


    look nitwit, moron or whomever you call yourself, you know NOT the vote i made, the party i align with, or anything else about me. you hide behind a fake picture, a maligned catchphrase from a fictional juvenile delinquent and other such maligned ideology as most others find repugnant. with...
  12. 9


    what's this? a biblical reference?.....i knew it all along.......
  13. 9


    ,la has nothing to do w/transfer of power. apparently her only power is on her knees. never really qualified to hold the position of prez. and that's have no idea of 2028; inasmuch as republican think. once a moron, always a moron....
  14. 9


    try to stay on point. your sign could be " i'm a moron, too."
  15. 9


    "old senile man"? proverbial pot and kettle, huh moron?
  16. 9

    Looking for Hydraulic Fan Actuator xw4z-3783-CA

    thanx for the reply.
  17. 9

    Looking for Hydraulic Fan Actuator xw4z-3783-CA

    if i dare ask, is this part still available?
  18. 9


    wow, howd' i miss this? actual psychological interpretation on a car forum from some ass napkin in left field. i actually thought your 'mis' interpretation was the 'narcissistic projection' at first..... lemme know if you can help me out further. oh, and thanx, i think.
  19. 9


    hey holden......why would i want to talk to you? 'actual' debate? you misenterpret a lot, huh?