Welp. I got it back from the mechanic who put 32 miles on it and could not repeat the problem. There's also another problem which happens that there is absolutely no explanation for. Whether or not the two are related I have no idea but after I start driving for about ten minutes, the red...
Check engine light is not on and was never on. I had 3 coils changed already earlier in this year when I was experiencing misfires. Should I have changed all 8?
Thanks for the reply. The problem is that it is currently working fine even though it wasn't yesterday. So until it does it again I won't be able to test anything. The tach might have dipped a bit. Also, at a couple times, when I shifted to neutral the tach would move and the car would rev...
I started my 02 Lincoln LS the other day and when I put it in drive and pressed the gas pedal it did not respond. It only moved forward at idle speed. The tachometer did not move each time I pressed the gas and the check engine light did NOT come on. I shut it off and stared it again and the...
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