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    The Dreaded "Code 32" on the Airbag light!!

    Clock spring it is then....cause the connector under the seat (and wires) seem fine...:-)
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    The Dreaded "Code 32" on the Airbag light!!

    "Perfect"!!! LOL!
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    The Dreaded "Code 32" on the Airbag light!!

    Im pretty sure by now that just about "everyone" is tired of this one!! Just bought my 02 LS. a couple of days ago. First off>>>>>Hot and Cold is a "Blowin"...with "NO" Codes when I scan using the "On-board" scan procedure. Second>>>the Airbag warning of "Code 32". I checked and removed and...
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    New Member

    Hello all !! Just scored a 2002 Lincoln LS for a Great price!! Decided it was time to "Treat" myself a little :cool: It "does" have some "Bugs"...but I'll Get - er - fixed !!! I look forward to "Tons" of Info (If needed) from all you Great People !! Sluggy59