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    Rearview Mirror Compass Calibration

    Rain sensors are working properly. Just had the first rain since i bought the car and they worked. I could take it back to them but its about an hour drive for me so i am hoping to fix it myself.
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    Rearview Mirror Compass Calibration

    I apparently have the older model. There is the rain sensor on the windshield and then a second box above it that is oval in shape, unless that second box is also part of the rain sensor.
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    Rearview Mirror Compass Calibration

    Hi Joegr, When they put the new windshield in they plugged everything back in and the display shows all the lights illumnated looks something like "-100" on the screen. I assumed this was just it prompting me to reset it. Is there something else i should be checking or should i just hope it...
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    Rearview Mirror Compass Calibration

    I am hoping for someone who has run into the same situation I have. I replaced the windshield on my 2002 LS V8 and the compass needs to be reset. YES I have gone through the steps in the manual. I have it programmed to the proper region. When i start the car and attempt to hold the "comp"...
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    New Owner Questions (DATC)

    Thanks Oddball. Once i flush the heater core i will run through the solenoid check to make sure everything is working properly there too!
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    New Owner Questions (DATC)

    The car gets right up to mid temperature after about 5 minutes of driving then doesn't fluctuate much from there. I am going to flush the heater core tomorrow to make sure there is flow. Haven't had a spare moment to try the new thermostat yet. And yes, I bought the Ford part.
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    New Owner Questions (DATC)

    Thanks I actually just found it as well. Page 51 of my manual. it was a left over paragraph from the page before and i was trying my best to speed read. Thanks for the clarification. I appreciate it. Now to change out the Thermostat and see if that helps.
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    New Owner Questions (DATC)

    I apologize as I do not see this in the owners manual. It mentions that A/C will operate as long as the outside temperature is over 35* but makes no mention of why the A/C would automatically be selected even at "heating" temperatures. Maybe it is mentioned in a different manual from my 2002...
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    New Owner Questions (DATC)

    Appreciate the input. There is definitely no change in temperature from one side of the car to the other so i am guess the aux pump isn't the problem either. I am thinking more and more that the DATC might be the issue since it is telling the system to run A/C on "Auto" even when i am asking...
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    New Owner Questions (DATC)

    Thanks for the reply Don. I noticed this in one of the other threads that you suggested 60/40 antifreeze to water. May i ask why that precise mix? Also any thoughts on why no heat?
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    New Owner Questions (DATC)

    Hello All, I have spent the better part of a month stalking your forum before i purchased a used 2002 Lincoln LS V8. Thanks to the knowledge on here i was able to beat the guy down selling the car. The issue I have questions about is with the DATC (I believe). When i first ran the...