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    05 LS Keeps Overheating Slowly

    What is the proper engine temperature range?
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    05 LS Keeps Overheating Slowly

    OK, replaced the thermostat housing and the plastic plumbing behind it. It still runs over 225F, BUT it does not overheat anymore! (Still hotter than I like it though!) Any thoughts on how to get the temperature down any lower, say to around 190?
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    05 LS Keeps Overheating Slowly

    So! I went and rechecked the engine coolant and degas levels. LOW. I looked and found that my shiny new thermostat is leaking all over the damned place due to a faulty seal. CRAP. So now I have that to fix too. I guess I will get back to you when I get some work done, thanks for all the help so far!
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    05 LS Keeps Overheating Slowly

    Hello all again! Here is some info I forgot to include, the fan DOES come on, I neglected to mention that. I have seen no leaks of coolant from anywhere except the Degas when it overheats, and from the engine coolant cap on the front of the engine. That is where I fill it from. So here is...
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    05 LS Keeps Overheating Slowly

    Hello all, I am working on a FINE Lincoln LS from 05, and I cannot figure out why the hells she keeps overheating! I have changed the thermostat 2 times, the engine head temp sensor works fine (I use it with my OBDII sensor) and I have bled the system of air. I just cannot figure what is causing...