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  1. R

    Already Expensive Crank but No Start Issue/Help Needed

    YES, They were. Lesson learned. I was wrong I was being difficult, apologized, and thatked them after sqqqqqqqquaring up on my $1120.00 invoice. I was in shock. Not a single indication when I turned her off. I have assisted people with their car not starting what seems like at least a hundred...
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    Already Expensive Crank but No Start Issue/Help Needed

    SORRY FOR UPDATE DELAY! -Lincoln miserably failed compression testing. Timing chain(s) failure. Engine failure. I love that car. Breaks my heart. ~Thank you everyone for their help and patients with me.
  3. R

    Already Expensive Crank but No Start Issue/Help Needed

    Thanks- Tomorrow I'm going down to talk shop and figure this out logically. I'm going to get a copy of the testing results and the charges while I'm there to reference while game planning. -If they can't find a reasonable way to proceed, I will definitely tow it home. -Something is preventing...
  4. R

    Already Expensive Crank but No Start Issue/Help Needed

    Yeah, I was told that the mechanic said the engine sound when cranking was suspect. I heard it too & I didn't hear anything funky. I didn't consider the fact that an LS doesn't show up much at all anymore. But, I believe no matter what the test is to diagnose a no-start condition, it shouldn't...
  5. R

    Already Expensive Crank but No Start Issue/Help Needed

    Yes, I checked each and every fuse I found under hood, trunk and passenger kick plate. -Thnx
  6. R

    Already Expensive Crank but No Start Issue/Help Needed

    Thanks. No, no tapping noise or slapping noise ever experienced from the engine cold or hot. i do not believe the timing chain tensioners were ever updated. -I made the mistake of thinking that FORD would be the most efficient way to repair a No-Start condition at the time. It is a 20 year old...
  7. R

    Already Expensive Crank but No Start Issue/Help Needed

    -The spark plugs are two months old. The car is now in their hands, I can't ask the tech questions in real time or touch it. It has run perfect since I bought it. Never has thrown a code. Performed a tune up, I also installed a new alternator and battery when i bought it. -I asked them to...
  8. R

    Already Expensive Crank but No Start Issue/Help Needed

    Thank You. I've never had to take a vehicle to the dealer before. I'm not a technician but I;m mechanically inclined. The fact that expensive compression testing is the first thing conducted for a no-start, really through me for a loop. I am not familure with any compression testing so I will...
  9. R

    Already Expensive Crank but No Start Issue/Help Needed

    2001 LS 3.9L Drove car to the grocery store, returned and car would not start. Cranks but will not start. Car was running fine, other than AdvanceTrak kicking in constantly due to snowy conditions. It has been at Ford for seven days now. Bill is approaching $900 now with no solutions to issue...
  10. R

    PCV system 2002 sport ls

    Get yourself a CATCH Can ASAP.Steeda unit is cheap, JDM, more expensive
  11. R

    Please Help~~Recent 3.9L Sport Premier Purchase. QUESTION RE: Transmission/Differential

    Friends, Please provide your own personal experience with the V8 LS transmission/manual gearbox service or technical knowledge when replacing fluids/filters.. (GREAT RESULTS/FAILURES) Thank You ~ The 3.9L Automatic has 176,000Miles. **`I'm about to have a full service job on the tranny, filter...
  12. R

    Rear axle fluid

    FORGOT about the muffler bearing.
  13. R

    LED Headlights?

    I have looked at the Gen1 headlights. All thats needed for JDM or any hig rep LED headlight bulb company. The new HID/HALO are nive.
  14. R

    Rear axle fluid

    Broken key pad Sorry spellinh Come on,... The filter goes right behind the muffler bearing, next to the T5 housing. Remove transmission and clutch first though.
  15. R

    Rear axle fluid

    Yes, absoulutly. Invareas like Texas with spot snd go traffic, at least once a year. Speak to Mustang dyno shop familure yhinh this transmissin snd ask. So cheap yo stay health. Differential fluis is criticsl to kerp wheels rotating. Performance shops will Aziil snd FFRP FRICTION MODIFIER...
  16. R

    LED Headlights?

    The LED spec’ed bulbs from VLEDS are perfect for the stock OEM headlight and fog light fixtures.
  17. R

    Rear axle fluid

    Most certainly have it serviced. . Amzoil in the differential. Transmission needs serviced also once 100K miles is reached. Motorcraft fluid and filter.
  18. R

    Rear axle fluid

    The only differential fluid for our cars is AMZOIL SEVERE GEAR, & bottle of FRPP Friction Modifier
  19. R

    LED Headlights?
