Try the salvage network, you may have to make a few calls but it may be worth it. Find out what years yours can be fit for before you search that will open your success up a bit. Beware some of the salvage yards won't ship but give it a try. I found a passenger sideview mirror for $50...
cheaper fix, but definitely not better than those, are the sylvania silver stars bulbs for about $40 dollars for 2 at walmart. Just a cheaper suggestian if funds are an issue
It is great to be here, I hope to find some help and also be helpful . . . Right now I need help, sorry to be fast with the asking.
I have a 95 lin conti with multiple trouble codes, two are misfires in plugs 2 and 3 (I believe oil fouled). The next two are Air metering...
It is great to be here, I hope to find some help and also be helpful . . . Right now I need help, sorry to be fast with the asking.
I have a 95 lin conti with multiple trouble codes, two are misfires in plugs 2 and 3 (I believe oil fouled). The next two are Air metering...
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