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  1. Omega LSC

    mark vii owner soon to be a mark viii owner....

    well i got the bug. i've been wanting a mark 8 for quite soem time now. will hopefully be getting it soon. my question to you guys is what should i expect could be potental probs with the 8's? i've owned my 7 for awhile now and found all the probs that sometimes occur with im movin...
  2. Omega LSC

    Clear tail lights...

    i figured you where the person who knows... :repost:
  3. Omega LSC

    Clear tail lights...

    ok someone here has clear tail light lens on the M7. how exaclty did you get them like that. i took off the red lens but the clear lens inside just broke. so i had to order a new lens. how do you do this? i know some of you guys don't like the look of it. but i wanna give it a try...
  4. Omega LSC

    Heater Core?

    Drain all your cooling and AC fluids making sure there no pressure in the lines. spend about qutie a few hours ripping apart the whole dash.....well not really...but yeah...and of course.....a few cold ones wouldn't be a bad idea...
  5. Omega LSC

    My M7 won't start

    timing could be off...check all your spark plug for correct firing. and make sure all the plugs are good. fuel pump could be shot but i dunno if you checked that out alrady. have you checked your starter coil?
  6. Omega LSC

    Idle problems. Help!!!!!!

    Surge problems are common on these cars. specially if they haven't been tuned up. PCV valve, PCV Screen, ICV Valve, EGR Valve, EGR Sensor, EVP Filter, and so on. Map sensor could also be the problem too. but thats fairly uncommon for them to go out. oh and chekc the vac hoses too...
  7. Omega LSC

    Fog light

    Get aftermark ones with the studs to bolt them on the brackets with. i got truck ones and there so much better. factory fogs are not even bright enough anyway.
  8. Omega LSC

    What Is Your MPG?

    eh, give or take 20 highway if im crusing at NORMAL speeds. 14 to 18 in towns and cites. espically around philiy. :D
  9. Omega LSC

    Mark VII Climate Control

    Same delema over here... Yup...i replaced 2 of my head units but still won't do a thing. only thing im having is my compressor won't spin eather..