Бюджетирование в управлении системой пр&


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Mar 2, 2004
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Chicago, IL
I got this email today - Thought someone could tell me what it says :)

24-25 марта 2005
в Москве

Бизнес - практикум

Финансовая и управленческая отчётность. Оптимизация системы продаж предприятия. Эффективные управленческие решения.

Для получения дополнительной информации и по вопросам участия обращайтесь по телефонам:
+7(095) 5427836 и +7(095) 54278332

Бизнес - практикум ориентирован на руководителей предприятий, руководителей и специалистов коммерческих и финансовых отделов, отделов продаж.


Развитие предприятия должно способствовать возрастанию собственного капитала акционеров. Рост совокупного дохода компании связан с искусством "снижения цены" развития ее деятельности.

На занятиях слушатели ознакомятся с опытом постановки системы управления развивающейся компанией. Большим достоинством бизнес- практикума является его методическая последовательность. Материалы бизнес- практикума освещают все необходимые и достаточные шаги для успешной разработки эффективной системы использования отчетности в практике принятия решений в период быстрого роста компании.

Практика принятия решений рассматривается в контексте управления прибылью. Управление прибылью основано на двух составляющих - росте оборотов (ускорении оборачиваемости активов) и повышении их рентабельности. Поэтому первая часть семинара посвящена методам повышения деловой активности, а вторая - управлению затратами. Особое внимание будет уделено ключевой информации и методам ее использования при решении управленческих задач.

Цель мероприятия: На бизнес-практикуме представлена попытка комплексного подхода к формированию системы технологий, необходимых для оперативного использования финансовой информации в управлении деловой активностью предприятия.

Слушатели получат представление о процессе и технологиях принятия решений; видах решений, наиболее часто встречающихся в практике, в том числе, планировании ассортимента продукции, принятии специального заказа, определении необходимых объемов продаж и уровней цен, выбора оптимальных каналов сбыта, оценке возможных вариантов действия, формировании политики в отношении дебиторов и т.п.

Участие в бизнес-практикуме будет способствовать получению знаний о финансовой составляющей их деятельности, освоению методов и практических навыков работы в сфере продаж, способствующих устойчивому и эффективному росту компании.

Программа бизнес-практикума :

Финансовая и внутрифирменная отчетность в управлении уровнем деловой активности предприятия

  • Информационные возможности финансовой отчетности (Баланс, Отчет о прибылях и убытках, Отчет о движении собственного капитала, Отчет о движении денежных средств и пр.)
    • Содержание финансовой отчетности;
    • Экспресс-диагностика финансового состояния организации.
  • Эффективное расширение деятельности. Методы увеличения роста продаж теми же активами
    • Долгосрочные вложения. Эффективные решения;
    • Рост продаж и оборачиваемость активов
      • Операционный цикл. Показатели деловой активности компании
      • Анализ и планирование потребности в финансировании
        • Элементы оборотного капитала.
        • Расчет потребности в собственных оборотных средствах . Составление прогнозного баланса.
        • Оценка вариантов финансового плана. Пирамида коэффициентов.
        • Контроль деловой активности компании. Оценка дисфункционального принятия решений руководителями подразделений.
      • Методы принятия решений в оперативном управлении системой продаж
        • Управление запасами. Сколько стоит качество обслуживания клиентов?
        • Возможности расширения объемов продаж за счет оказания товарного кредита.
        • Оценка предложений контрагентов - кредиторов. Всегда ли выгоден товарный кредит?
        • Финансовая оценка рекламных мероприятий.
Управление затратами. Виды управленческих решений

  • Классификация затрат и ее применение в калькуляции. Оценка себестоимости продаж
    • Постоянные и переменные затраты.
    • Косвенные и прямые затраты.
    • Распределение накладных расходов на единицы затрат.
    • Метод АВС.
  • Системы учета затрат и области их применения
    • Особенности попроцессной системы, ее использование в практике принятия решений.
    • Затраты на выпуск совместно производимых и побочных продуктов; принятие решений о специальных заказах.
    • Система учета по полным производственным затратам. Учет по предельным затратам. Плюсы и минусы этих систем, их влияние на отчетность.
    • Маржинальные показатели и их использование в практике принятия решений
      • Анализ соотношения "затраты - объем - прибыль";
      • Точка безубыточности;
      • Решение об установлении цены.
    • Учет по нормативным затратам;
    • Воздействие роста деловой активности на себестоимость продаж. Сметный контроль и составление гибких смет;
  • Учет лимитирующего фактора при принятии решений
    • Лимитирующий фактор;
    • Способы решения управленческих задач в условиях действия лимитирующего фактора.
  • Оценка вариантов. Выбор оптимальной стратегии, видов деятельности, ассортиментного ряда, каналов дистрибуции
    • Доходы и расходы, возникающие в результате принятия определенного решения;
    • Источники информации для принятия решений;
    • Методы отбора вариантов. Оценка и сравнения .
Слушатели приобретут опыт в:
- проведении финансового анализа отчетности,
- применении основных финансовых инструментов в контроле эффективности продаж;
- оценке разных вариантов решений в области продаж;
- обеспечении финансовой безопасности компании при формировании политики продаж.

Методы и формы работы: изложение теоретического материала, практические задания обсуждения и анализ решений практических ситуаций, разбор кейсов.

Занятия носят характер практикума, где слушатели примут участие в решении задач и разборе ситуаций. Работа слушателей основывается на базе авторского с ase -материала по решению финансовых проблем.

Всем участникам предоставляется раздаточный материал и сертификат установленного образца.
Стоимость участия в практикуме 1 человека:
8900 рублей.

В стоимость входят раздаточные материалы, обеды, кофе-паузы в ресторане.
Для представителей региональных компаний бронируются гостиничные номера. Участникам выдается сертификат установленного образца

Для получения дополнительной информации и по вопросам участия обращайтесь по телефонам:
+7(095) 5427836 и +7(095) 54278332
Basically it says give me your credit card and your social security number so we can destroy you financially! I get that email quite often and just delete it. I get so tired of that crap.
Its a Russian tax form, someone wants to claim the LVC as a dependent..........lol
Hey Joeychgo! I know one guy is Russian from Crown Vic. net He has 1986 Lincoln Town Car. He is understood english and Russian language....I could ask him about you....
Hey there Joeychgo, this is just an invitation to attend some business seminar to improve running your business or something like that. It’s like a 2 day seminar that cost approximately $325. I would not worry about it. I get crap like that every now and then :) Hope that helped.
It's from Bryan I know he was a Commee Pinko!! :N

Don't let all that Mamma and Apple Pie stuff fool you!

He's out to take over LvC when Joey's away and then who knows...

Maybe the world... :woowoo2:
I got this email to about 5 days ago, a friend of mine got the same email and told me about it , it is a seminar to improve you're buisness, for a sum of money, except the one I got asked for $265 to attend. Just delete it Joey it's junk mail :rolleyes:
It's a letter from the Red Army. They are coming to kill you for helping the capatilist pigs. :biggrin:

On March, 24-25 2005
In Moscow

Business - a practical work

The financial and administrative reporting. Optimization of system of sales of the enterprise. Effective administrative decisions.

For reception of the additional information and on questions of participation address by phones:
+75427836 and +754278332

Business - a practical work is focused on heads of the enterprises, heads and experts of commercial and financial departments, departments of sales.


Development of the enterprise should promote increase of own capital of shareholders. Growth of the cumulative income of the company is connected to art of "reduction of price" of development of its(her) activity.

On employment(occupations) students will familiarize with experience of statement of a control system by the developing company. The big advantage business of a practical work is his(its) methodical sequence. Materials business of a practical work shine(cover) all necessary and sufficient steps for successful development of effective system of use of the reporting in practice of decision-making during fast growth of the company.

Practice of decision-making is considered(examined) in a context of management by profit. Management of profit is based on two components - growth of revolutions (acceleration оборачиваемости активо and * 1074 and increase of their profitability. Therefore the first part of a seminar is devoted to methods of increase of business activity, and the second - to management of expenses. The special attention will be given to the key information and methods of its(her) use at the decision of administrative problems(tasks).

The purpose of action: On a business - practical work attempt of the complex approach to formation of system of the technologies necessary for operative use of the financial information in management by business activity of the enterprise is submitted.

Students will receive representation about process and technologies of decision-making; kinds of the decisions most frequently meeting in practice, including, planning of assortment of production, acceptance of the special order, definition of necessary sales volumes and price levels, a choice of optimum trade channels, an estimation of possible(probable) variants of action, formation of a policy(politics) concerning debtors, etc.

Participation in a business - practical work will promote noegenesis about financial activity making them, to development of methods and practical skills of work in sphere of the sales promoting steady and effective growth of the company.
The program of a business - practical work:

The financial and intrafirm reporting in management of a level of business of the enterprise

Information opportunities of the financial reporting (Balance, the Report on profits and losses, the Report on movement of own capital, the Report on movement of money resources and so forth)
The maintenance(contents) of the financial reporting;
Express train - diagnostics of a financial condition of the organization.
Effective expansion of activity. Methods of increase in growth of sales by the same actives
Long-term investments. Effective decisions;
Growth of sales and оборачиваемость actives
Operational cycle. Parameters of business activity of the company
The analysis and planning of need(requirement) for financing
Elements of a working capital.
Calculation of need(requirement) for own turnaround means. Drawing up прогнозного balance.
Estimation of variants of the financial plan. A pyramid of factors.
The control of business activity of the company. An estimation дисфункционального decision-making by heads of divisions.
Methods of decision-making in operative management of system of sales
Storekeeping. How many there is a quality of servicing?
Opportunities of expansion of sales volumes due to rendering the commodity credit.
Estimation of offers of contractors - creditors. Whether the commodity credit is always favourable?
Financial estimation of publicities.

Management of expenses. Kinds of administrative decisions

Classification of expenses and its(her) application in accounting. An estimation of the cost price of sales
Constants and variable expenses.
Indirect and direct expenses.
Distribution of an overhead charge to units of cost.
Method АВС.
Systems of the account of expenses and areas of their application
Features попроцессной systems, its(her) use in practice of decision-making.
Expenses for release in common made and by-products; decision-making on special orders.
System of the account on full industrial expenses. The account on limiting expenses. Pluss and minuses of these systems, their influence on the reporting.
Маржинальные parameters and their use in practice of decision-making
The analysis of a parity(ratio) " expenses - volume - profit ";
Point of break-even;
The decision on an establishment of the price.
The account on normative expenses;
Influence of growth of business activity on the cost price of sales. The budget control and drawing up of flexible estimates;
The account of the limiting factor at decision-making
The limiting factor;
Ways of the decision of administrative problems(tasks) in conditions of action of the limiting factor.
Estimation of variants. A choice of optimum strategy, kinds of activity, ассортиментного lines, channels of distribution
Incomes and the charges arising as a result of acceptance of the certain decision;
Sources of the information for decision-making;
Methods of selection of variants. An estimation and comparisons.
Students will get experience in:
- Carrying out of the financial analysis of the reporting,
- Application of the basic financial tools in the control of efficiency of sales;
- To an estimation of different variants of decisions in the field of sales;
- Maintenance of financial safety of the company at formation of a policy(politics) of sales.

Methods and forms of work: a statement of a theoretical material, practical tasks of discussion and the analysis of decisions of practical situations, analysis of cases.

Employment(Occupations) are characterized by a practical work where students will take part in the decision of problems(tasks) and analysis of situations. Work of students is based on the basis of author's with ase a material under the decision of financial problems.

The distributing material and the certificate of the established sample is given all participants.

Cost of participation in a practical work of 1 person:
8900 roubles.

Distributing materials, dinners, coffee - pauses enter into cost at restaurant.
For representatives of the regional companies hotel numbers are reserved. The certificate of the established sample is given out to participants

For reception of the additional information and on questions of participation address by phones:
+75427836 and +754278332
This is how it reads as translated by worldlingo.com:

24-25 March 2005
in Moscow
Business - practice
Financial and administrative account. Optimization of sale system of enterprise. Effective administrative solutions.
For obtaining the additional information and with questions of
participation be turned on the telephones:
+7(095) 5427836 and +7(095) 54278332
Business - practice is oriented in the leaders of enterprises, leaders and the specialists of commercial and financial divisions, the divisions of sales.
The development of enterprise must contribute to the growth of
personal capital of shareholders. An increase in the joint income of company is connected with the skill
"reduction in the price" of the development of its activity.
In the occupations the listeners will become acquainted with the
experience of setting the system of management of the developing
company. Large merit the business of practice is its systematic sequence. Materials the business of practice illuminate all necessary and
sufficient steps for the successful development of the effective
system of the use of an account in the practice of decision making in
the period of the exuberance of company.
The practice of decision making is examined in the context of control
of profit. Control of profit is based on two components - increase in the
turnovers (acceleration of the turnover of aktivo&#y0"ya and increase
in their profitability. Therefore the first part of the seminar is dedicated to the methods of
increasing the business activity, and the second - to control of expenditures. Special attention will be given key information and to the methods of
its use with the solution of administrative problems.
Purpose of the measure: An attempt at the integral approach to the formation of the system of
technologies is represented on the business- practice, necessary for the operational use of financial information in control
of the business activity of enterprise.
Listeners will obtain idea about the process and the technologies of
decision making; the forms of the solutions, most frequently being encountered in the practice, including planning the assortment of production, the adoption of special order, the determination of the necessary volumes of sales and levels of
prices, the selection of optimum channels of distribution, to the estimation of the possible versions of action, molding of policy with respect to of debtors and t.p.
Participation in the business- practice will contribute to obtaining
knowledge about financial component of their activity, to the mastery of methods and skills of work of the sphere of sales, the facilitating steady and effective increase companies.
Program of the business- practice:
Financial and intra-firm account in control of the level of the
business activity of the enterprise
* the information possibilities of financial account (balance, Report about the profits and the losses, Report about the motion of its own capital, Report about the motion of cash resources and so forth, etc.)
O The content of financial account;
O The rapid diagnosis of the financial state of organization.
* the effective expansion of activity. Methods of an increase in the increase in sales by the same active
O Long-term investments. Effective solutions;
O An increase in sales and the turnover of the active
+ operating cycle. Indices of the business activity of the company
+ analysis and planning the need for the financing
# the elements of the working capital.
# the calculation of the need for its own circulating capital. Composition of forecast balance.
# the estimation of the versions of financial plan. Pyramid of coefficients.
# the control of the business activity of company. Evaluation of disfunctional decision making by the leaders of
+ the methods of decision making in operational control of sale
# control of reserves. Does how much cost the quality of the care of clients?
# the possibilities of expanding the volumes of sales due to the
rendering of commodity credit.
# the estimation of the proposals of contractors - creditors. Always whether is advantageous commodity credit?
# the financial estimation of advertising measures.
Control of expenditures. Forms of the administrative solutions
* the classification of expenditures and its application in the
calculation. Estimation of the prime cost of sales
O Constant and variable expenditures.
O Indirect and direct expenditures.
O The distribution of overhead expenses for the units of expenditures.
O Method AVS.
* the systems of the calculation of expenditures and region of their
O Of the special feature of poprotsessnoy system, its use in the practice of decision making.
O Of expenditure for the release of the together produced and
by-products; making decisions about special orders.
O The system of calculation on the total production expenses. Calculation on the maximum expenditures. Pluses and minuses of these systems, their influence on the account.
O Marzhinal'nye indices and their use in the practice of decision
+ the analysis of relationship "expenditure - volume - profit";
+ the point of freedom of loss;
+ the solution about the establishment of price.
O Calculation on the normative expenditures;
O The action of an increase in the business activity on the prime cost
of sales. Estimate control and the preparation of flexible estimates;
* the calculation of the limiting factor with decision making
O The limiting factor;
O The methods of solution of administrative problems under the
conditions of acting the limiting factor.
* the estimation of versions. Selection of the optimal strategy, the forms of activity, an assortment number, the channels of the distribution
O Incomes and expenditures, appearing as a result of making the specific decision;
O Information sources for decision making;
O The methods of the selection of versions. Estimation and comparison.
Listeners will acquire experience into:
- conducting the financial analysis of account,
- the application of basic financial tools in the control of the
effectiveness of sales;
- to the estimation of the different versions of the solutions in the
region of sales;
- providing financial safety of company with molding of the policy of
Methods and the form of the work: the account of theoretical material, the practical tasks of consideration and the decision analysis of
practical situations, the selection of cases.
Occupations bear the nature of practice, where the listeners will participate in the solution of problems and
the selection of situations. The work of listeners is based on the base of author's ase - material
on the solution of financial problems.
Distributing material and certificate of the established model is
given to all participants.
Cost of participation in the practice of 1 persons:
8900 rubles.
Distributing materials enter into cost, dinners, coffee- pause in the restaurant.
Hotel numbers are armored for the representatives of regional
companies. To participants reveals the certificate of the established
For obtaining the additional information and with questions of
participation be turned on the telephones:
+7(095) 5427836 and +7(095) 54278332

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