00 ls v8 belt tensioner question


Active LVC Member
Aug 21, 2011
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Windham, NH
Hi all, I've been trying to determine a chirp sound in my 00 ls v8 which sounds like it is coming from the hydraulic pump / alternator area of the engine. I've replaced the belt with a gates and the top idler pulley. Still have the chirp when cold, but the question is regarding the tensioner on start up.

I had my wife start the car (I was attempting to spray a pulley with water which stopped the chirp while it was wet, but started right up again when I stopped the water application), I noticed the tensioner go from the upright position to the right about an inch or so during the initial rev up, then go back upright again.

My question is... is this normal? Has anybody seen this?

Look at your crankshaft damper pulley when it is chirping. See if it is moving in ways that it really shouldn't.
Tensioner movement is normal, although maybe not that much. I'd expect it to move more if the a/c clutch is engaged, also.
Replacing the tensioner is not necessarily a bad idea, anyway.
Thanks for the ideas.

I looked at all the pulleys and didn't see an obvious movement, and will re-visit the tensioner. it appears to be original and the movement (the inch or so) looked to be excessive. The a/c was off. A friend of mine said tensioner (for the chirp) but wasn't sure about the movement issue. Will check these things again and repost any resolution.

Thanx again
I've replaced the belt with a gates and the top idler pulley. Still have the chirp when cold...

There are 2 idler pulleys and a belt tensioner on Gen1's (which you already know). I replaced both idler pulleys and tensioner, that fixed the noise for me. Since you are going to have the belt off, you might as well replace the other idler pulley as they are cheap (and tensioner). They all age and wear, you could have them all replaced new together once. Something to consider anyway...
Thanks for the ideas.

I looked at all the pulleys and didn't see an obvious movement, and will re-visit the tensioner. it appears to be original and the movement (the inch or so) looked to be excessive. The a/c was off. A friend of mine said tensioner (for the chirp) but wasn't sure about the movement issue. Will check these things again and repost any resolution.

Thanx again

If the moment isn't obvious, then the damper's okay. I vote with the others that it's probably the idlers and the tensioner. Maybe the tensioner's spring is stretched or otherwise weak.
The early morning/cold chirp I had on my '06 was cured by replacing the tensioner.
Well now the 00 ls v8 has a new tensioner, idler pulleys, belt and it still sounds like a BIG cricket. Sound is emanating from the are of the hydraulic pump pulley.

just after it gets up to operating temp, the cricket sound begins to fade and then sounds like a normal car (usually within 2 miles).

It doesn't have to be early morning, the engine just has to be cold.

1st start at noon with temp at 75 deg still has cricket sound until it warms up, and my guess is the temp transfers to the pulleys.

shouldn't be so hard to figure out the chirp (cricket).
bump........wondering if you ever got this sorted out cirelle? I just ordered a tensioner, both pulleys and a belt. Needless to say I'd be pissed to put it all back together and still hear this chirp...

I'm worried the hydraulic fan pump pulley could be culprit because I changed it few yrs ago, don't remember where I got the part.
probably not going to see that since they haven't been on in almost a year...

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