01 lincoln ls no crank no start


New LVC Member
Jan 6, 2015
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i have a 2001 Lincoln ls v6 that has the no start no crank issue that just started today after my battery died and i got a code of 1:3 no key code received from the pats system blinks, i got another battery where do i begin to look from here? and i only have one key and its no dashes on cluster also when i try to start the car the lights go off on the dash please advise thank you any help is greatly appreciated
You are pretty well stuck by not having a 2nd key. If you are still getting 16 and the battery is good, you'll probably have to tow it to a dealer and let them troubleshoot. No matter what, they wiill have to make and sell you at least one more key, if not two. Putting the system in secure mode requires two keys. I assume that when you say "when i try to start the car the lights go off on the dash" that you mean the normal display blanking that happens while you are starting the car.
I'm not getting 16 I'm getting 13 "no key code received" and yes thats what i mean when i say that i try to start the car the dash goes blank but before then all lights on dash

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