Hydraulic fan
A new fan assembly was the first response to that infamous overheating that occurs only on hot days with the A/C on and at idle. The new fan performed the same as the old one......it ran only on low speed.
Then, I bought the pump assembly. I reached the pump, but the 4 mounting bolts would not release with reasonable torque. I recalled reading a post in the "Forum" that a high percentage of HCF system problems like mine are caused by actuator failure. Instead of increasing force on the bolts and risking wringing one or more of them, I took the actuator out of my new pump, stuck it in the old one and "fired for effect". Success! I started my baby, pushed the A/C button, the fan moved from low to high!
So, yes, I do have a new pumpfor sale too.....for sale without the actuator: $185.
Willing to drive a couple of hours from the Fredericksburg, VA area to meet a buyer half-way.