02 LSE V8 Lifter (?) noise


Well-Known LVC Member
Aug 2, 2015
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Started car this morning to let it run since it doesn't get driven much. Anyway, noticed what sounds like to me slight lifter noise, tap tap tap. I've never noticed it before & car gets Mobil 1 oil. Any thoughts ? These engines are supposed to be pretty quiet aren't they or am I worrying about nothing ?
probably secondary timing chain rattle. a more common occurrence on 1st gen V8s.
the fix is usually to replace the tensioner, and sometimes the chain as well. i'd do both at once while it is apart.
was the ac on?

No but since then it's not as noticeable, pretty much nonexistant. Wouldn't chain tensioner be more of a "rattling" sound ? I know engine noises & I doubt this was chain tensioner noise. When did they stop using plastic tensioners ?
When did they stop using plastic tensioners ?

Late '02 model year. Gen 2s have metal. Gen 1s should just assume they have plastic IMO.

That being said, Youtube says the chains make a rattling, scraping noise, not a tap tap tap. Some say the tapping is noisy injectors. Mine taps from the back passenger side, near the throttle body. Well, the old engine does and I haven't heard the new engine enough.
Late '02 model year. Gen 2s have metal. Gen 1s should just assume they have plastic IMO.

That being said, Youtube says the chains make a rattling, scraping noise, not a tap tap tap. Some say the tapping is noisy injectors. Mine taps from the back passenger side, near the throttle body. Well, the old engine does and I haven't heard the new engine enough.

That makes sense (injectors) because now that I think about it noise is more like a tick tick tick like an injector. Since 1st gen lse was a late model build in '02 is it possible mine has metal tensioners ?
Ford's injectors are notoriously noisy.......
Since 1st gen lse was a late model build in '02 is it possible mine has metal tensioners ?

It's possible, but I can't tell you how likely it is that you have metal. Someone said June was the change date, someone said September. For what it's worth, mine was built in May 02 and did not have plastic tensioners when I opened it up at 65,000 miles (right after getting the car). I don't know if it was previously repaired, but they had red plastic slides (which match the red color of the plastic tensioners), while the *current* replacement tensioners have aluminum bodies with *white* plastic slides. I just assume they're replacements.

But like I said, if you assume you have plastic, the few hours of labor for some reassurance is worth it IMO. I'll be diving into my replacement engine in a week or two to check the tensioners and preemptively replace the gaskets. I regrettably thought of the gaskets too late and the service writer misunderstood my request, so the tech checked the belt tensioner instead.

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