03 Expedition 1/97 Mark VIII 0


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2005
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Nice little low speed congested parking lot feeder road impact. I was on road with no traffic control, he had a stop sign. Didn't see me and kinda blasted across the intersection into me.

I hope his insurance is on the hook for this, I have full coverage with a 250 dollar deductible, but don't feel like paying the deductible when he was at fault. I filed an accident report with the police (they make it super hard, no obvious link to a working web form, and go into a sub station and you get a lecture on we weren't at the scene and we are short staffed and blah blah blah) and with my insurance, exchanged info with the other driver. A lot of the damage on my car was done but the tire, not much damage done to the other vehicle.










A few months ago someone in a mini van rear ended me in my Tahoe and there wasn't any damage to my car, but their whole grill was broken and the hood pushed up.
Dude. That sucks! Did you call the police and wait for them to get there? That's what we did when the '97 was t-boned last year. It was the other driver's fault and his insurance paid for my car. Expeditions are tanks. My mom has an '11 Expo and that thing is a monster! Anyhoo, reminds me of when I had my '88 Town car. I was driving out of a parking lot and an old yankee in an Olds Intrigue backed out of a parking space as I was driving by and hit the right rear quarter panel of my Town Car. It didn't do any damage to the Lincoln but the Olds' rear bumper was completely destroyed! That's why I love driving huge tanks. :)
Unless a limb is severed they don't send out anyone. Last year when someone pulled in front of me in my 97 Cougar (totaling it, I used a portion of the money from it to buy this 97 Mark VIII) and my car was disabled across 4 lanes of traffic (and 4 turn lanes) they wouldn't send anyone out. They expected me to climb in the trunk of my car to reset the inertia switch with traffic whizzing by at 50+ mph.

So an "explorer" wanna be cop in a 20 year old cop car happened along, didn't do a thing, so after exchanging information I drove it home, entire front end dragging, and cut off my explorer wanna be and showered him with lots of broken bits of headlight, header panel, and PS fluid.

I guess they expect us to eat the deductible or expect the insurance to duke it out, however I don't want to do that, I don't want to spend 250 bucks on stuff that was just fine prior to knucklehead not looking right one more time before going.
So far at the 3,000 to 3,200 range. BUT neither body shop can source the parts. They tried Ford (discontinued), then aftermarket (no such thing), refurbished (stripped, body work done, primered), and used (local yards, as well as a network), and nada.

This sucks. I am sure I can ebay part it together for that, and less if I can find local or semi local.
So far at the 3,000 to 3,200 range. BUT neither body shop can source the parts. They tried Ford (discontinued), then aftermarket (no such thing), refurbished (stripped, body work done, primered), and used (local yards, as well as a network), and nada.

This sucks. I am sure I can ebay part it together for that, and less if I can find local or semi local.

I'm sure a few of us could get you going - I'd say worst case scenario, ask the insurance to cut you a check. I might be heading to Tuxon later next month and could bring parts down from Phoenix. If you deal shopped, I'm pretty sure you could come in for under $500 - and just need paint.
I have everything but the headlight for sale
Shipping a header panel and bumper would suck. maybe gray hound.
Keystone refinishes bumpers (they did mine)
Sorry to see that. Some punk in a GTI pulled out of an apartment complex on my way to work and decided he needed my lane right then. Ran me up on the center concrete median blowing out my left front Pirelli tire and curb rashing two wheels on the Mustang. Luckily I was able to save the car and not hit him, but it is still going to cost $500 out of my pocket.

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