03' Hard Shifting @ 119k Miles ... Solenoid Pack ??


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Jul 28, 2015
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Hi ! I have a 2003 Lincoln LS V6 , 119k Mi. 3 days ago my baby bella started hard shifting in 2nd gear ... i can go 10 mph and it hard shifts . at a stop light when it's time to go she hard shifts . if i get her up there in speed, atleast over 40mph she rides smooth from there on out. no hard shifting, no gear lagging. I've been to 3 different transmission places and they are all telling me different things. first one said torque converter . another one said it's not the torque converter. another one said it's not the torque converter, maybe the computer systems and to unhook the battery and touch the cords together to cut off all running computer systems in the vehicle. then hook it back up after 10 minutes and if it still hard shifts theres something wrong with the tranny (DUH) . He ran tests, but couldn't tell me whats wrong. they quoted me at $95 per hour for diagnostic . NEGATIVE. i'd rather pay by job than by hour because they will take their sweet time for all the bucks they can get. and i got a $2,350 quote to rebuild the transmission. I personally dont think it needs rebuilding . ANYBODY HAVE A CLUE TO WHAT IS GOING ON SO I CAN FIX THAT ONE ISSUE? and not pay for what someone says then ends up being something totally different? HELP !
There are lots on threads on here with some good advice, and a few responses with really bad advice. Common issues are solenoid assemblies, bad PCMs, and worn servo bores.
$95 an hour for good diagnostic work is a good price. (Of course, I don't know if they would be good or not.) If you can spare the car for several days, you can send the PCM out for diagnosis/repair at a fairly good fixed price. Do you have any check engine codes?
i do not . when i took it to this place they tested it, and a TCC code came up for the tranny, but he couldn't tell me what it was for. smh . that's why im a little sketch on spending 95 an hour. I'm thinking that it might be the TPC solenoid pack... but i need opinions before i go spend $400 on a part not including labor.
the answer to OPs question in the title is an emphatic 'NO!' if it were in need of replacement, you would have more problems than just 'harsh into 2'...

how old are the coils? is your maf clean? correct fuel used all the time? lots of dumb and easy stuff that could cause it to go into 2nd 'harsh'.. is it clanking or does it just not feel as good/smooth as it used to?
so you said it did throw a code, but you dont have it?? pull the code again or call em up and ask em what it is..
did it ever go into failsafe mode <wrench light>?
The place that read the code should have at least provided the code number to you. With that, better assistance can be provided. That being said, the cheapest, easiest thing to try would be the PCM repair. Getting inside the trans is a major PITA but yanking the PCM is relatively painless. My own had a problem that acted like sticking solenoids, I replaced the solenoid pack and it fixed nothing. The PCM solved my issue. If you want to go the PCM route, replace the plugs and COPs while the computer is out. The PCM is suspected to be damaged by RF spikes from marginal coils and you don't want to break a freshly repaired PCM by running the COPs/plugs that might have killed it to begin with. Incidentally, if it's the PCM it will get worse over time. Mine started off with harsh gear engagement when operating the shifter from park to drive, continued with shifts getting progressively harder, and finally reached a point where it was getting confused about what gear to get into while shifting like it had drag racing plates in the trans.
It's hard shifting in 2nd gear, lagging in between until speed is caught up to atleast 40mph and she rides smooth. if you spike the rpms to 4 it hard shifts also. Another person said it could be the pCM too .

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