03 LS Advance trac and ABS warning


Dedicated LVC Member
May 14, 2018
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Arlen Texas
On the way home tonight I had a Check Advancedtrac warning pop up with the ABS light. Had the mismatch code suddenly but I reprogrammed it and it went away. Should I be safe to assume that since the module randomly lost it's programming that it's on its way to failure? It has stayed off since reflashing the module. But what could be the cause of a module suddenly losing its programming? Sign of Failure coming soon? If failure is coming soon on this would it be wise to have the module refurbished? And if so does anyone have any recommendations on a place? I also saw a left side front wheel speed sensor input invalid when this happened if that makes any difference.
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Did it really lose its programming, or was it a momentary loss of communication?
Did it really lose its programming, or was it a momentary loss of communication?
It lost it's programming because when I looked in the module all the blocks had FFFF in them. And I had tried resting it several times before I went ahead and reporgrammed it.
It lost it's programming because when I looked in the module all the blocks had FFFF in them. And I had tried resting it several times before I went ahead and reporgrammed it.

Yeah, that does seem like a bad sign (for the module).
Yeah, that does seem like a bad sign (for the module).
If buying a used module I would be safer buying one from a 2005 or a 2006 right? And all I need to make sure it says is IVD on the module?
I don't really know. The 2003 is odd on somethings.

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