I've had the car 5 years. I am very familiar with the car, I understand there is a rev limiter, and it revs lazy in park and neutral even in perfect working condition. This is something more.
Did you read my first post, or do you suffer from poor reading comprehension? Is it normal for your car not to move when you press on the gas pedal in gear/reverse?
You failed to state
in your first post, that it would not move in reverse. You also said that it acts normal in drive. The only thing you
clearly stated, is that is revs slow in park and neutral. You were acting as though you just discovered the rev limiter. You never stated you have had the car for 5 years. My reading comprehension is fine, thank you. Maybe you should go back and read your first post. You seem to be the the one that has a communication problem, in clearly stating the issue you are having with the car. You didn't mention until you slammed me, that the issue was in gear/reverse. Thank you for the claification.
Telco may be on to something. I don't know. Since you just had tranny work done 6 months ago, I would be suspect of that. If I am not reading too much into what you have said, the tranny work was done, because of the same issue??? There are multiple micro switches in the shifter console, that control the electronic functions of the transmission.
On, the drivers side of the tranny, there is a gear selector/neutral saftey switch. This would function for park/neutral start only, reverse lights, and tell the computer when to engage the rev limiter. Maybe when the tranny was installed, they didn't get everything perfectly adjusted. There is still a cable linkage from the shifter to the tranny on these cars. Maybe the detents in your shifter console are slightly off, due to the cable being out of adjustment. Maybe over the last 6 months, as parts have settled in, the cable has gotten further out of adjustment.
To me, from what little info you have given, it seems as thought the car is acting as if it's
still in park or neutral, thus the low power/rpm. If you put it in D4, (instead of D5), does it act normal? Try putting the selector in Reverse, and then
gently feathering the slector towards neutral or park, while still keeping reverse gear engaged. Do you have full power then? Maybe you should take it back to where you had the tranny replaced, and have them look at it. Hopefully it is still under warranty. I may be wrong about my suggestions and ideas, but I am still trying to help, even after you were an a$$ to me.
Have a nice day.