05 S-Type Jag vs LS


Active LVC Member
Apr 29, 2005
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Hey guys well just a couple of days ago I got the S-type jag for 35,000 And WHOA!!!!! I was just wondering if anyone here has driven the S-type jag and knows how to get the LS to respond as fast as the Jag does in 1st, and 2nd like the pettle pushes back at your foot in those gears... as with the LS you have to really give it some pettle to really feel it, it's kindof like turbo lag the ls doesnt really get nasty at all in low RPM's does anyone know of any mods to help out this situation? does anyone know what the Jag runs in 1/4 mile?
free139stylz said:
Hey guys well just a couple of days ago I got the S-type jag for 35,000 And WHOA!!!!! I was just wondering if anyone here has driven the S-type jag and knows how to get the LS to respond as fast as the Jag does in 1st, and 2nd like the pettle pushes back at your foot in those gears... as with the LS you have to really give it some pettle to really feel it, it's kindof like turbo lag the ls doesnt really get nasty at all in low RPM's does anyone know of any mods to help out this situation? does anyone know what the Jag runs in 1/4 mile?

New S-Type is 14.9 in the 1/4 about the same as a 05 LS. The Jag does have a 4.2, which may account for the little extra bit of torque. The S-Type -R is a whole different beast it has 390 Supercharged horses. I also heard some of the Jags have a 3.77 gear which will help it move off of the line much better as well. I could be wrong though.
Yea off the line its seriouse It has a straight 8 the same engine as the new land rovers am I correct?
free139stylz said:
Yea off the line its seriouse It has a straight 8 the same engine as the new land rovers am I correct?

Its a V8, the block is shared with the LS, but theirs is now a 4.2 instead of a 3.9. The manifolds, etc... are a whole different story.
I dont think thats rite its the 4.2 straight 8 its not a V but I might be wrong I will check when i get home from work
02V8Sport said:
New S-Type is 14.9 in the 1/4 about the same as a 05 LS. The Jag does have a 4.2, which may account for the little extra bit of torque. The S-Type -R is a whole different beast it has 390 Supercharged horses. I also heard some of the Jags have a 3.77 gear which will help it move off of the line much better as well. I could be wrong though.

Those 3.77 gears might fit our pumpkin...
Kelleyo said:
Those 3.77 gears might fit our pumpkin...

I was thinking the same, they might work.

I have the 3.58 now and it sure does suck down a lot more gas compared to the 3.31 I had. It could also be because every time I leave from a stop I keep mashing the pedal to the floor :) The 3.77 would have a ton of kick though.
free139stylz said:
how much does it cost do get your gear ratio's changed?

As cheap as you can find the rear end for. Its probably cheaper to find a complete rear end carrier as opposed to just changing out the gears. I found one for $200 and helped my mechanic friend put it in over the weekend. Its about a 4 hour job to get everything disassembled and put back together. The hardest part was getting the axle nuts off. They are on there with 220+ lbs of torque. Not easy to get off once a little rust gets on the axle. Air tools are a must and a lift or tall jack stands.

You can find 3.58 and 3.31 LS carriers all day long for that.

I actually just confimed that the 4.2 Jag has a 2.87 rear end, no dice on a 3.77. The Jags 4.2L 303ft/lbs of torque must move it pretty good, or the trans ratios are used to make up for the 2.87 rear end.
Yea it just seems so much faster then my LS like TWISE as fast in 1st 2nd and 3rd I just wish the LS had the same power!!!!! but I guess you can always get what ya want
Good Lord, man, learn how to spell. How do you expect to be taken seriously when you spell like a 4-year-old?
free139stylz said:
I dont think thats rite its the 4.2 straight 8 its not a V but I might be wrong I will check when i get home from work
It's a Jaguar AJ-V8-derived engine, just like the ones in the XK8 and the LS. Jag used to run a straight 6 (I-6) in some of their cars, but if they ever ran a straight 8 (I-8), it was a long time ago.
Hey dutch why you gotta be an A*S*S! if you dont have anything nice to say dont say anything at all didnt your mommy ever teach you that......
Dutch said:
Good Lord, man, learn how to spell. How do you expect to be taken seriously when you spell like a 4-year-old?

I have to agree with Dutch, good sir... Your absolute lack of common word spelling abilities makes you look... well... with respect, it makes you look like a 'tard.

It's Pedal, not pettle... And TWICE, not Twise

Spellcheck technology has come a long way. Look into it sometime. ;)
you guys are A*S*S HOLES!!!! did I spell that rite? I come on here for help not to be insulted...... but good job im happy you know how to spell you must make you mom real proud..... :gr_hail:
Yea but what im saying is YOU DONT HAVE TO TELL ME THIS!!! I barely graduated HIGH SCHOOL I know my SPELLING SUCKS!!!!! just try for one time in your life to not be an A*S*S hole
who cars about spelling, anyways is it true that the jaguar x type and s type are "endangered species"? I one remember reading that those cars, and how they will soon be cancelled. I think its the s types last year too, or was it the x type?.

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