ok,i am getting a nice sick feeling in the stomache.
i took the car for a gentle now appears to be holding 1st gear until speed is high enough to then directly shift to 3rd,i can only get 2nd with a manual move to 2nd,it drives ok in manual 2nd but doesnt seem to like a lot of load on it.
if i am in 2nd (manually) and upshift manually to drive it goes to nuetral like for about 2-3 seconds then it shifts into drive.........?
i came home,dropped the trans pan and removed the 1-2 accum piston,nothing is broken (springs are good) piston has the oh so slightest scoring on it,so i know it needs replacing,but i am now thinking this transmission is needing much more than me worrying about the 1-2 accum piston.
my only other idea i can turn up from searching online is my one way clutch is shot,
any input?
do they go just like that?it was working perfect..... then its crap.
lastly,,,how long can this trans be driven gingerly till i can fix / replace it?
thanks again people.