10 Reasons Why Obama's Presidency is in Meltdown


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The stunning decline of Barack Obama: 10 key reasons why the Obama presidency is in meltdown

By Nile Gardiner World Last updated: August 12th, 2010
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President Obama: In decline? (Photo: AFP)

The last few weeks have been a nightmare for President Obama, in a summer of discontent in the United States which has deeply unsettled the ruling liberal elites, so much so that even the Left has begun to turn against the White House. While the anti-establishment Tea Party movement has gained significant ground and is now a rising and powerful political force to be reckoned with, many of the president’s own supporters as well as independents are rapidly losing faith in Barack Obama, with open warfare breaking out between the White House and the left-wing of the Democratic Party. While conservatism in America grows stronger by the day, the forces of liberalism are growing increasingly weaker and divided.

Against this backdrop, the president’s approval ratings have been sliding dramatically all summer, with the latest Rasmussen Daily Presidential Tracking Poll of US voters dropping to minus 22 points, the lowest point so far for Barack Obama since taking office. While just 24 per cent of American voters strongly approve of the president’s job performance, almost twice that number, 46 per cent, strongly disapprove. According to Rasmussen, 65 per cent of voters believe the United States is going down the wrong track, including 70 per cent of independents.

The RealClearPolitics average of polls now has President Obama at over 50 per cent disapproval, a remarkably high figure for a president just 18 months into his first term. Strikingly, the latest USA Today/Gallup survey has the President on just 41 per cent approval, with 53 per cent disapproving.
There are an array of reasons behind the stunning decline and political fall of President Obama, chief among them fears over the current state of the US economy, with widespread concern over high levels of unemployment, the unstable housing market, and above all the towering budget deficit. Americans are increasingly rejecting President Obama’s big government solutions to America’s economic woes, which many fear will lead to the United States sharing the same fate as Greece.

Growing disillusionment with the Obama administration’s handling of the economy as well as health care and immigration has gone hand in hand with mounting unhappiness with the President’s aloof and imperial style of leadership, and a growing perception that he is out of touch with ordinary Americans, especially at a time of significant economic pain. Barack Obama’s striking absence of natural leadership ability (and blatant lack of experience) has played a big part in undermining his credibility with the US public, with his lacklustre handling of the Gulf oil spill coming under particularly intense fire.

On the national security and foreign policy front, President Obama has not fared any better. His leadership on the war in Afghanistan has been confused and at times lacking in conviction, and seemingly dictated by domestic political priorities rather than military and strategic goals. His overall foreign policy has been an appalling mess, with his flawed strategy of engagement of hostile regimes spectacularly backfiring. And as for the War on Terror, his administration has not even acknowledged it is fighting one.
Can it get any worse for President Obama? Undoubtedly yes. Here are 10 key reasons why the Obama presidency is in serious trouble, and why its prospects are unlikely to improve between now and the November mid-terms.

1. The Obama presidency is out of touch with the American people

In a previous post I noted how the Obama presidency increasingly resembles a modern-day Ancien Régime, extravagant, decaying and out of touch with ordinary Americans. The First Lady’s ill-conceived trip to Spain at a time of widespread economic hardship was symbolic of a White House that barely gives a second thought to public opinion on many issues, and frequently projects a distinctly elitist image. The “let them eat cake” approach didn’t play well over two centuries ago, and it won’t succeed today.

2. Most Americans don’t have confidence in the president’s leadership

This deficit of trust in Obama’s leadership is central to his decline. According to a recent Washington Post/ABC News poll, “nearly six in ten voters say they lack faith in the president to make the right decisions for the country”, and two thirds “say they are disillusioned with or angry about the way the federal government is working.” The poll showed that a staggering 58 per cent of Americans say they do not have confidence in the president’s decision-making, with just 42 per cent saying they do.

3. Obama fails to inspire

In contrast to the soaring rhetoric of his 2004 Convention speech in Boston which succeeded in impressing millions of television viewers at the time, America is no longer inspired by Barack Obama’s flat, monotonous and often dull presidential speeches and statements delivered via teleprompter. From his extraordinarily uninspiring Afghanistan speech at West Point to his flat State of the Union address, President Obama has failed to touch the heart of America. Even Jimmy Carter was more moving.

4. The United States is drowning in debt

The Congressional Budget Office Long-Term Budget Outlook offers a frightening picture of the scale of America’s national debt. Under its alternative fiscal scenario, the CBO projects that US debt could rise to 87 percent of GDP by 2020, 109 percent by 2025, and 185 percent in 2035. While much of Europe, led by Britain and Germany, are aggressively cutting their deficits, the Obama administration is actively growing America’s debt, and has no plan in place to avert a looming Greek-style financial crisis.

5. Obama’s Big Government message is falling flat

The relentless emphasis on bailouts and stimulus spending has done little to spur economic growth or create jobs, but has greatly advanced the power of the federal government in America. This is not an approach that is proving popular with the American public, and even most European governments have long ditched this tax and spend approach to saving their own economies.

6. Obama’s support for socialised health care is a huge political mistake

In an extraordinary act of political Harakiri, President Obama leant his full support to the hugely controversial, unpopular and divisive health care reform bill, with a monstrous price tag of $940 billion, whose repeal is now supported by 55 per cent of likely US voters. As I wrote at the time of its passing, the legislation is “a great leap forward by the United States towards a European-style vision of universal health care, which will only lead to soaring costs, higher taxes, and a surge in red tape for small businesses. This reckless legislation dramatically expands the power of the state over the lives of individuals, and could not be further from the vision of America’s founding fathers.”

7. Obama’s handling of the Gulf oil spill has been weak-kneed and indecisive

While much of the spilled oil in the Gulf has now been thankfully cleared up, the political damage for the White House will be long-lasting. Instead of showing real leadership on the matter by acing decisively and drawing upon offers of international support, the Obama administration settled on a more convenient strategy of relentlessly bashing an Anglo-American company while largely sitting on its hands. Significantly, a poll of Louisiana voters gave George W. Bush higher marks for his handling of the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, with 62 percent disapproving of Obama’s performance on the Gulf oil spill.

8. US foreign policy is an embarrassing mess under the Obama administration

It is hard to think of a single foreign policy success for the Obama administration, but there have been plenty of missteps which have weakened American global power as well as the standing of the United States. The surrender to Moscow on Third Site missile defence, the failure to aggressively stand up to Iran’s nuclear programme, the decision to side with ousted Marxists in Honduras, the slap in the face for Great Britain over the Falklands, have all contributed to the image of a US administration completely out of its depth in international affairs. The Obama administration’s high risk strategy of appeasing America’s enemies while kicking traditional US allies has only succeeded in weakening the United States while strengthening her adversaries.

9. President Obama is muddled and confused on national security

From the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq to the War on Terror, President Obama’s leadership has often been muddled and confused. On Afghanistan he rightly sent tens of thousands of additional troops to the battlefield. At the same time howeve he bizarrely announced a timetable for the withdrawal of US forces beginning in July 2011, handing the initiative to the Taliban. On Iraq he has announced an end to combat operations and the withdrawal of all but 50,000 troops despite a recent upsurge in terrorist violence and political instability, and without the Iraqi military and police ready to take over. In addition he has ditched the concept of a War on Terror, replacing it with an Overseas Contingency Operation, hardly the right message to send in the midst of a long-war against Al-Qaeda.

10. Obama doesn’t believe in American greatness

Barack Obama has made it clear that he doesn’t believe in American exceptionalism, and has made apologising for his country into an art form. In a speech to the United Nations last September he stated that “no one nation can or should try to dominate another nation. No world order that elevates one nation or group of people over another will succeed. No balance of power among nations will hold.” It is difficult to see how a US president who holds these views and does not even accept America’s greatness in history can actually lead the world’s only superpower with force and conviction.

There is a distinctly Titanic-like feel to the Obama presidency and it’s not hard to see why. The most left-wing president in modern American history has tried to force a highly interventionist, government-driven agenda that runs counter to the principles of free enterprise, individual freedom, and limited government that have made the United States the greatest power in the world, and the freest nation on earth.

This, combined with weak leadership both at home and abroad against the backdrop of tremendous economic uncertainty in an increasingly dangerous world, has contributed to a spectacular political collapse for a president once thought to be invincible. America at its core remains a deeply conservative nation, which cherishes its traditions and founding principles. President Obama is increasingly out of step with the American people, by advancing policies that undermine the United States as a global power, while undercutting America’s deep-seated love for freedom.
It's only in meltdown if you view him as a typical politician. He's not. I've said it since day one, this man is absolutely content, prepared to be a one term President.

I don't agree with anything he's done, BUT, he's been remarkably successful at advancing a staggering level of transformation to this country. The extent to which we won't even know it for years to come.

And when the Republicans pick up seats in the Congress next year, it'll be just in time for the next dip of the recession. If they don't take over the Senate too, the Republican,with the help of the main stream media, will be blamed and labeled the "Do Nothing Congress."

What does this mean?
Traditionally, this would mean Democrat losses would stabilize by 2012 and possibly open up either a Hillary Presidency or a retooling of the ticket to put a VP in position to run in 2016.

That's traditionally what would happen.
Things are changing in middle America and the MSM is quickly losing the trust and power over the public it once had. So, it's going to be a battle.
Wheather you care to admit it, the ONLY reason this jerk is President is because he was able to muster up enough blacks that never voted in their lives, and proably never will again, unless another black is runnig.
Call me racist or whatever, but that is the truth why this jerk sits in the whitehouse.
His support has dwindeled in the minds of those blacks that voted for him because nothing he promised them has come true.
That ole "we gonna have a brother in da white house " looks pretty weak now.
I can't wait to see his sick ass out of the white house.
He, and his appointees have made a mockery of this once great nation.
Wheather you care to admit it, the ONLY reason this jerk is President is because he was able to muster up enough blacks that never voted in their lives, and proably never will again, unless another black is runnig.
No, that's not the only reason.
We've had this discussion before here.

You can argue that his race and image were important factors in motivating voters to support him the '08 race. There was a broad desire to move into a post-racial error, to embrace the idea of a black President, and, most importantly, to be a part of history by voting for him.

But the Black vote was NOT, I repeat, it was NOT the reason he was elected President. He won the election with 53% of the popular vote. While turnout was a little higher, black support for Obama wasn't all the much higher than it had been for Kerry or Gore.

Call me racist or whatever, but that is the truth why this jerk sits in the whitehouse.
I'm not going to call you racist, but I will say that you're wrong.

His support has dwindeled in the minds of those blacks that voted for him because nothing he promised them has come true.
Actually, this isn't true either.
Support for Obama in the black community remains quite high.
However, that support doesn't extend to other Democrats.

That ole "we gonna have a brother in da white house " looks pretty weak now.
...I'm still not going to call you a racist, but...
I can't wait to see his sick ass out of the white house.
...I'm getting closer to calling this racial.

He, and his appointees have made a mockery of this once great nation.

Do you have any specific criticisms or just racial ad hominem stuff?
There are plenty of specific things to point to, but your tone makes me think you're attributing everything to his incompetence and his Presidency nothing more than a bad affirmative action placement.

The country was on an unsustainable course before he took office. However, he's put us in a death spiral.
"There are plenty of specific things to point to, but your tone makes me think you're attributing everything to his incompetence and his Presidency nothing more than a bad affirmative action placement."

Bingo...... You finally got it right.
Bingo...... You finally got it right.

Well, apparently, you still have it wrong.
He isn't just some "hapless black guy" who failed his way into the Presidency.

There have been genuine mistakes by this White House, the result of ego and incompetence, like the Cambridge Police or support the WTC Mosque this weekend, but the vast majority of things many would mistakenly attribute to that have been deliberate and orchestrated and prearranged. For example, who is drafting all of these 2500 page bills that pop up without any notice? Do you really think the Congressional staffers have whipped all of that out within this time frame?

When you frame this in racial terms, not only do you take the tone of a racist, not only do you perpetuate the lefts ability to falsely claim that the valid criticism of Obama and his administrative agenda is based on racism, YOU COMPLETELY MISS WHAT IS ACTUALLY GOING ON.

And you're simple-minded assessment of events, you ignorance clouded by arrogance prevents you from looking any deeper.
"Well, apparently, you still have it wrong.
He isn't just some "hapless black guy" who failed his way into the Presidency"

That is EXACTLY what it is.
The thousands of newly registered black voters (some of which were falsley registered by Acorn) and Oprah Winnfrey's money are what got this community activist into the whitehouse, and nothing more.
It was a very slick campaign with unlimited funding which I would contend was well organized through Harpo production.
There is nothing you could possibly add that would be remotely construde as being anything other than what I just stated.
Plain and simple. He became Oprah's poster boy for the whitehouse.
She had an agenda, and with her money and influience, she achived that goal.
The richest woman in the world couldn't give two :q:q:q:qs as to weather it succeeds, but rather that it happened.
A black man in the whitehouse?
Who woulda belived.
Talk about being racist.
Let's see what is next on the Oprah agenda.
It wouldn't surprise me if Harpo productions came to the aid of the ultra racist Maxine Waters, to help her through her ethics investigations.
If you can't see the forest for the trees, then there is definetely something wrong with your thinking.
The thousands of newly registered black voters (some of which were falsley registered by Acorn) and Oprah Winnfrey's money are what got this community activist into the whitehouse, and nothing more.

Do you have any empirical evidence to logically back this assertion up?

There is nothing you could possibly add that would be remotely construde as being anything other than what I just stated.

How about this; it was the abnormally high young vote that put him over the top; not a higher then normal black vote. Or how about the notion that is was a combination of factors; higher black turnout in support of Obama, higher youth turnout in support of Obama, ACORN, a weak Republican nominee, lower then normal conservative turnout, a sycophant media in the tank for Obama, a response to the fiscal irresponsibility of Bush and the Republicans (especially in light of the housing bust), etc.

For your assertion to be demonstratively true, you have to show empirical evidence that discounts all those possibilities while confirming your assertion. Otherwise it is simply speculation, hyperbole and cherry picking.
Bob, you're pathetic.
It's a black conspiracy orchestrated by the masters at Harpo productions?

Are you reading a warped version of the "Elders of Zions for complete racially insecure Asshats" where Jews have been replaced by Black people?
Bob, you're pathetic.
It's a black conspiracy orchestrated by the masters at Harpo productions?

Are you reading a warped version of the "Elders of Zions for complete racially insecure Asshats" where Jews have been replaced by Black people?

Are you saying you don't belive Ms Winfrey and her money had anything to do with the Obama run for the whitehouse?
If you belive that, you are living in la la land.
Are you saying you don't belive Ms Winfrey and her money had anything to do with the Obama run for the whitehouse?
If you belive that, you are living in la la land.

No, Oprah Winfrey's money had NOTHING to do with Obama winning the White House.

The Obama campaign raised nearly $750 MILLION.
How much of that was from Oprah or HARPO Productions?

Everything I said earlier in the thread still stands.
When you frame things in these incredibly stupid, lazy, racial terms, not only do you take the tone of a racist, not only do you perpetuate the lefts ability to falsely claim that the valid criticism of Obama and his administrative agenda is based on racism, YOU COMPLETELY MISS WHAT IS ACTUALLY GOING ON.

You honestly seem to think you're onto to some clever little conspiracy. It's ridiculous and I feel embarrassed for you.
And Oprah is NOT the richest woman in the world. She's not even close.
I really think we have more things to talk about and solve. The Gulf thing is not his faut. This country doesn't have the equipment to handle a spill so what he supposed to do plug it himself? He is doing what he can do that is what he said he would do. If the people of NY don't want the Mosque next the Ground Zero then they should decide what they want. I would hope that any church has the right to build a church, mosque etc where ever they want to based on our constitution. I don't now why all the fuss. The mayor of NY said it was okay for the Mosque to be built not the President. The commet about black voters voting for Obama becasue he is black is crazy. I would hope that the people of American voted for him becasue he was the best man for the job. I got to be honest with you I think he is doing ok if he wasn't I would say so. The cleanup is going to long and hard because this country has problems and they are not going to solved quickly.
I really think we have more things to talk about and solve. The Gulf thing is not his faut. This country doesn't have the equipment to handle a spill so what he supposed to do plug it himself? He is doing what he can do that is what he said he would do. If the people of NY don't want the Mosque next the Ground Zero then they should decide what they want. I would hope that any church has the right to build a church, mosque etc where ever they want to based on our constitution. I don't now why all the fuss. The mayor of NY said it was okay for the Mosque to be built not the President. The commet about black voters voting for Obama becasue he is black is crazy. I would hope that the people of American voted for him becasue he was the best man for the job. I got to be honest with you I think he is doing ok if he wasn't I would say so. The cleanup is going to long and hard because this country has problems and they are not going to solved quickly.

You seem to be doing a lot of hoping.
It's been nearly two years, have you seen any positive results yet? Any indicators that things are improving?
You seem to be doing a lot of hoping.
It's been nearly two years, have you seen any positive results yet? Any indicators that things are improving?

I am not moved by what the media puts out. I don't but my faith in the President of the United States. There is a cost for everything and it is hard to please eveyone but our Congress is not working together and one side always say's no, I am suprise that he has done what he has but I am willing to give it a chance and if he doesn't get choosen to be our president again that's fine with me. What a mess he was given.
I am not moved by what the media puts out. I don't but my faith in the President of the United States. There is a cost for everything and it is hard to please eveyone but our Congress is not working together and one side always say's no, I am suprise that he has done what he has but I am willing to give it a chance and if he doesn't get choosen to be our president again that's fine with me. What a mess he was given.

I didn't want to shirt your question. But I do see sign of improvement. As soon as we get out of Iraq and Afganistan that would be the best thing I could think of besides the health care reform and we will have to tweak that a little I sure.
...but our Congress is not working together and one side always say's no
Do you know that the President's party is the majority party in the Congress. Not only that, they had a supermajority, so the opposition party can't even block any bills that they are attempting to pass. Even today, it's a 59/41 split.

And have you considered why that one side is always saying "no?"

I am suprise that he has done what he has
He's actually done an incredible amount, I don't think any other President has so radically changed the government, especially in such a short period of time. He's vastly expanded the size and scope of the federal government.

but I am willing to give it a chance and if he doesn't get choosen to be our president again that's fine with me. What a mess he was given.
Not nearly as bad as the "mess" he's made, and that's saying a lot.

I didn't want to shirt your question. But I do see sign of improvement

As soon as we get out of Iraq and Afganistan that would be the best thing I could think of besides the health care reform and we will have to tweak that a little I sure.
Do you think our involvement in Iraq or Afghanistan have anything to do with the massive unemployment, the looming deflation, and the fact the fed is monetizing our national debt?

The health care bill is a nightmare.
It doesn't need tweaking, it needs to be repealed.
What do you think the health care bill does? Mind you, it was around 2,500 pages long, so no one possibly knows everything in it.
I would hope that any church has the right to build a church, mosque etc where ever they want to based on our constitution.

Based on what in our Constitution?

The comment about black voters voting for Obama becasue he is black is crazy.

So you think identity politics had nothing to do with this election?

Do you think some women supported Hillary or Palin because she was a woman?

I would hope that the people of American voted for him because he was the best man for the job.

It would be nice. Unfortunately, human nature would dictate otherwise.

What a mess he was given.

What, specifically, constitutes the mess he was given? What factors contributed to that mess and what has he done (or proposed to do) that you would say improves it (as opposed to not doing anything, furthering an ulterior motive and/or making things worse)?
To add to the statement that blacks voted for him , not on qualification (because he had none) but because he was black, I remember seeing a rally during the camapaign, and a news reporter was interviewing a black woman who had just registered to vote, and was attending the rally.
The reporter asked if it were her first time voting, and she answered that it was.
The woman continued, "I'M votin for Obama".
When asked why, she replied (and I remember these words exactly) "because he's a brother".
I couldn't care less what any of you think, or what colorful terms you may use to describe me, or my opinions.
The dude only got into the whitehouse because of a well managed campaign, with influiential financial backing, and by the hundreds of thousands of newly registered blacks that voted for him.
Where were all these unregistered blacks when a white person was running for president?
Look that up in your Funk and Wagnel.
To add to the statement that blacks voted for him , not on qualification (because he had none) but because he was black, I remember seeing a rally during the camapaign, and a news reporter was interviewing a black woman who had just registered to vote, and was attending the rally.
The reporter asked if it were her first time voting, and she answered that it was.
The woman continued, "I'M votin for Obama".
When asked why, she replied (and I remember these words exactly) "because he's a brother".

The expression anecdotal evidence has two distinct meanings.

(1) Evidence in the form of an anecdote or hearsay is called anecdotal if there is doubt about its veracity; the evidence itself is considered untrustworthy.

(2) Evidence, which may itself be true and verifiable, used to deduce a conclusion which does not follow from it, usually by generalizing from an insufficient amount of evidence. For example "my grandfather smoked like a chimney and died healthy in a car crash at the age of 99" does not disprove the proposition that "smoking markedly increases the probability of cancer and heart disease at a relatively early age". In this case, the evidence may itself be true, but does not warrant the conclusion.

In both cases the conclusion is unreliable; it may not be untrue, but it doesn't follow from the "evidence".​
To add to the statement that blacks voted for him , not on qualification (because he had none) but because he was black, I remember...
He won with 53% of the popular vote.
He won 365 electoral votes to John McCain's 173.
Even in the most paranoid scenario you can think, there aren't enough new black voters or vote fraud to result in that kind of a victory.

Furthermore, as I mentioned earlier, black voter support for Obama wasn't that much higher than it had been for candidates like Gore or Kerry. You're dealing with a political community that already demonstrated 9 out of 10 support for Democrat candidates.

I couldn't care less what any of you think, or what colorful terms you may use to describe me, or my opinions.

The dude only got into the whitehouse because of a well managed campaign, with influiential financial backing, and by the hundreds of thousands of newly registered blacks that voted for him.
I'm sure those "hundreds of thousands of voters" helped, but ultimately, he won the election by about 9.5 million votes.

Where were all these unregistered blacks when a white person was running for president?
If you limited your argument to the fact that the black community was excited by the prospects of electing a black President, you'd see universal agreement.

But ultimately, that point is irrelevant. The 2008 wasn't a nail biter election. The winning candidate didn't win because of a handful of voters in a bitterly divided swing state.

Ultimately, your racial conspiracies are not only absurd (ie. Oprah being the riches woman in the world engaged in a black conspiracy to make some hapless guy she plucked from obscurity the next President) but totally irrelevant. Even if "hundreds of thousands" of previously unregistered and illegal votes were delivered from the black community, THEY DIDN'T SHAPE THE ELECTION.

And the more time you waste investing in simpleminded theories like this, the less attention you have to notice what actually is happening.

Oprah isn't the power behind the President.
If you're going to name one billionaire megalomaniac, don't focus on Oprah, focus on someone like George Sorros.
If anyone has doubts as to the point I made about Ms. Winfry's involvement in the Obama campaign, you would do well to go to youtube, and in the search box type in Oprah Winfry interviews senator Obama.
There you will see pages of tv appearances and campaign trips she made on his behalf.
Now, in one of the videos (the rally at UCLA )she states she isn't voting for him because he's black.
What other candidate in history has she publicly supported with this many campaign trips throughout the country?
Name just one.
She is a dammed liar.
She ONLY supported him because he is black.
Like I just said, name just one other candidate she supported in the past with the same vigor she has shown with Obama.
If that isn't racist against the rest of the population, then I don't know what is.
The shere number of hours committed to the campaign by Oprah would perhaps not be indicative of racism, but because both are black, there is absolutely no other way to read it.
Obviously she would not have been so committed had the candidate been for a person of another race.
For those who will say she was sticking along her party affilation, then, where was she in the previous presidential campaigns?
At that time she was still a very popular person in the public eye everyday., yet it takes a black man to get her off her duff.
Are you really that niave?
Face it, Ms. Winfry is known around the world.
She has a tremendous amount of influience.
She used that notariety to boost this unknown black to the forefront.
I think it fair to say many people voted for Obama because Winfry was very involved in his campaign.
Women came out in droves to vote for him, and why?
Because many of thyose same women watch Winfry everyday.
It was a well orchestrated campaign, with Winfry as one of the movers and shakers.
There is no doubt in my mind it was because of two reasons, one, he is black, and two, a hometown boy.
Oprah no doubt had some influence on Obama's election. She has millions of female bots who watch her show and do whatever she says. However, even that doesn't push Obama over the top without millions of white males acting on 'white guilt.' Clearly identity politics played a huge part in that election, as Shag obliquely alluded to. Even some prominent, conservative Republicans who were black (such as JC Watts) admitted they would like to see Obama elected the first black President. To see a guy like Watts completely taking leave of his senses tells me there was a lot of 'stinking thinking' going on, in a lot of different ways, but ultimately centered around one thing: The idea of the historical aspect of the first black President.

And why is this a big deal? African nations have had black leaders forever. But America has a racist history, like it or not, and apparently we still bear the burden of reparations for slavery in our collective hearts, and can easily be guilted into making idiotic decisions when somebody lets fly with 'racist!'

Bottom line - it's not about his skin color with me. I would have gladly voted for someone like Condoleezza Rice or Alan Keyes or JC Watts. It's about his ideology. And millions of white male voters were blinded to his ideology by their guilt, by the 'hope and change,' by antipathy toward Bush and the GOP, and by the media.

It's a mistake we can't afford to make again. If we want this country back on track, we have to do things flawlessly for quite a while.
I don't think Obama was voted into office based on his race, I think the GWOT and Economy (Which was being blamed on the government) had a lot to do with it. Give americans more credit that that, sure America has a racist history, but who is alive from the era? Obama speaks a good game, the guy is a marketing genius, he sold a brand and the we as Americans bought it. I voted for Obama because he was against the war in Iraq, and he is pulling us out as we speak, and we should be out of Afghanistan by 2012.
I don't think Obama was voted into office based on his race, I think the GWOT and Economy (Which was being blamed on the government) had a lot to do with it. Give americans more credit that that, sure America has a racist history, but who is alive from the era? Obama speaks a good game, the guy is a marketing genius, he sold a brand and the we as Americans bought it. I voted for Obama because he was against the war in Iraq, and he is pulling us out as we speak, and we should be out of Afghanistan by 2012.

"Should be?"

To date, has Obama actually kept a promise on the war, or are you still just hoping for change? Has he closed Gitmo like he promised he would do immediately?

"Should be?"

To date, has Obama actually kept a promise on the war, or are you still just hoping for change? Has he closed Gitmo like he promised he would do immediately?

Yes, pulling, 2nd ID just redeployed after turning over the whole BDE sector to Iraqi forces, we have seen an increase of troops in Afghanistan, the last BDE deployed from 101st on the 5th of this month. He dissambled MNF-I, and majority of the Deaths From OIF this year had been from non-combat related injuries (suicides) or training accidents.

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