11 sec mark build up preview


Well-Known LVC Member
Dec 30, 2005
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up in da haters
I had posted a thread in the high performance section about an 11 sec mark build up coming soon. unfortunaly we ran into so problems- blew my tranny to hell and back. and I decided to address some rearend upgrade also, call it preventive measures. Anyways we are not going to post the whole build up till it is done and done right. But it won't be long before it will be done, 2-4 weeks. So since i put the coming soon thread up prematurely, I figured i would let you guys know the basis of it.

We went with
MMX drivshaft
3200 torque convertor
baumann shift kit
the D.S.S. 302 forged stroker kit
Stage I Crower Cams.
Some light port work to the heads and intake.
Custom ECU Tune.
255lph Walbro
aeromotive fuel pressure regulator
dual stage nitrous 150 off the line 250 down the track.

well thats a little taste for you guys. Please no questions yet, Only comments. All you need to know will be posted in the build up post when everything is completed.

All you need to know for now is that this is one sic azz mark

Well thats all for now
we will be posting detailed tech write up. and we will be posting about a 5 minute video of the car

well it ran 11.8 with just the 150 shot I didn't even hit the second stage on the first run. so we will see when we get to hit both stages.

11's is what i was shooting for and i think it will get every bit of that and then some.
oh yeah its full weight to subwoofers and all.
if you don't mind me asking, how much were the cams, what kind of gains will you see, and how hard were they to install?
around 1200 for the crower stage I. as for gains i am not sure because we had done everything at one time i.e. stroked, ported, cammed . so i can honestly can say i don't know .

as for as how hard it was i am not sure of that either. i had the heads ported and asembled by a shop. who also documented the head build which will be included in the final write up.
Sweet. Have fun with it.

Damn, that's a lot of spray. :D

You'll need two bottles... the BIG ones. LOL
It'll be nice to see another 11 sec mark 8 going down the track.My brother went with 3200 stall TC too and it's way too low.He's getting 4.5K stall over the winter.
yeah, 250 is a LOT of nitrous.
i had a 250 shot in my 1969 Firebird, ran a 12.4 @ 119 mph, spinning the rear tires about 400ft.
Aw cmon do one pass for me off the spray. :p I've been thinking of a very similar setup, minus the spray, (then eventually forced induction.)
Cbecker1994Vlll said:
off the spray it beat a stock 03 cobra but only by a fender, same result for 3 races

stock 03s will run mid-high 12s but most are in the low 13s stock thanks to driver.

IMO that 12.6 is reletavely accurate.

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