12-31-08 was a bad day for the Usurper-Elect


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
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United States
Yesterday was a busy day and not because it was the last day of December, 2008. Looks like the Usurper-Elect's wheels may be finally coming off.

:) Obama was sued again in Federal District Court in Washington D.C. by Gregory Hollister, a retired military Colonel, who claims to have 'standing' and demands a decision on whether Obama is qualified to be President so Mr. Hollister knows if he should follow any of Obama's orders.

:) Obama was also sued in Washington State, the case;Broe vs Reed, appears to have solved the 'standing' issue because Washington State has a statute that provides the ability for any registered voter to challenge the election of a candidate if the candidate is ineligible to hold office when the vote was held.

:) A private investigator may have found a copy of Stanley Ann Dunham and Barack Obama Sr. divorce decree which may indicate they had "one child under 18, born in Kenya". We'll see if this holds water tomorrow as the document is supposed to surface.

:) Then the trial scheduled for Norman Hsu, the disgraced California fund-raiser for the Clinton's, will start on January 12th. It appears at first blush that Mr. Hsu was also busy raising money for Obama with kick-back money. Hsu attorney tried to get the trial delayed until after the inauguration but the plea was rightfully turned down.

:) A prominent forensic examiner has also called the COLB a fake after reviewing the scans of the document as shown on Obama's site and Fact-Check.

:):) And lastly the 'unscientific' AOL poll has increased now to 54%, 104,000 votes tallied so far, with the majority saying there is merit to the controversy surrounding Obama's eligibility.

All in All, a pretty good day for Obama.
Its really pathetic to see people going to such extreme levels cause they are not getting the world to revolve the way they want it to.

Man, if people acted like this during Bushes election time he would be screwed!
All Obama has had to do for 6 MONTHS NOW is provide a copy of his long-form Birth Certificate which is in the possession of the State of Hawaii and NONE OF THIS would have to happen. But not the Messiah. He is above having to prove who he says he is.

So you think we should just roll over the Constitution because liberals and the media wanted this usurper to be CIC with no qualifications and the most troublesome backgorund of anyone who ever ran for office? OK, if you say so. :(
Most troublesome background huh?


Face it, the majority wanted the guy as a president. Its something we all must live with!

And how does the constitution have anything to do with this? It has been and always will be overlooked. Its a shame but no one is and has been perfect. The last Pres proved that point well. People not only in the US celebrated not the fact that Obama was elected but the fact of no more Bush and so on with the rest of the world LITERALLY! Russia ad few others if any were un-pleased. I wonder why that is.... maybe the comparison between right wing idealists and Communists fascism and arrogance?

AOL huh?:lol:
Silly me, I totally forgot.

The Berg lawsuit is scheduled for Conference by the SCOTUS on Jan 9th to discuss the merits of the suit and ANOTHER conference has been scheduled now by the SCOTUS for January 16th to discuss the injunction that will prevent Obama from taking office.

Notice the dates, January 9 comes conveniently after Obama is officially elected by the counting of electoral votes in Congress on January 8th.

And then the Conference on the injunction set for January 16th comes in time to prevent the usurper from putting his hands on the Quran on the 20th.
Man, if people acted like this during Bushes election time he would be screwed!
There was no question of Bush's birthplace.

By the way, how many people do you know that still think Gore won Florida? :rolleyes:

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