1996 lincoln conti charging issue


New LVC Member
Jun 11, 2007
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Hello,i have been noticing lately that my car's battery light comes on during moderate acceleration and goes off once i let off.The other day i turned on the a/c and the blower shut down and i began to loose all of the powered accessories,dash lights,radio,climate contol etc.I pulled out the alternator and had it tested,no issues,the battery is only about 5 months old,i also replaced the neg battery cable thinking a grounding issue might be the problem all to no avail...Once i get a jump and keep the car hooked to the other vehicle everything works fine,but once i disconnect the cables the lights start to dim and everything goes haywire....Any ideas,please help!!!!!
even tho the alt tested ok off the vehicle, there is still a possibility its bad, but lets look elsewere first.

you replaced the neg cable.. how about the cable from the alt to the battery (or to the starter solenoid if your car has one). Also, if you have a starter solenoid, there will be a red cable from that to the battery.

Bad connections/wires are keeping the alt from charging the battery it sounds like.

OR, even a 5 month old battery can be bad!
I would suspect your battery is going and has or will burn out your regulator. On my 1997 I had some issues that I went through 3 regulators - two of them due to a bad battery and one of them due to the ford technician failing to tighten the negative battery post clamp. If your battery is 3 years old, replace it, and buy a new regulator and install it in the alternator. There are a total of 6 screws on the alternator to change out the regulator. I can get a regulator at Piston Ring in Winnipeg for $44.00 plus taxes. Cheaper than other web stores. I can change out an alternator in 50 minutes, now that I have had lots of practice....

Ford tried telling me that the EEC was faulty, but after 5 technicians running the tests, only bad regulator.

Hope this helps,

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