If you have any ideas on what I need to do correct any of these, please chime in accordingly. I am not in the least bit afraid to get dirty and tear into the car as long as instructions and/or pics of what I need to do are available.
#1 - Low Washer Fluid Warning Light comes on despite being full.
#2 - When I push the gas down WOT and the car accelerates and then all
of a sudden right after the shift it feels like the car severely bogs down
if I let of the gas a decent amount the car started picking up quickly
#3 - Speedometer/Odometer not functioning - "Data Distance Error"
#4 - When I start the car, the power steering only works for about
4-5 seconds, then it seems as if there is no PS at all, not insanely
hard to turn the wheel, but certainly not like it should be. I am thinking
PS pump because the fluid level is correct.
#5 - Anti-theft system randoming goes off without reason.
Thanks in advance for any/all help. Some people have already given me a couple ideas of what to check out on a couple of my problems, but I just wanted to put everything into one thread so I could keep track of it.
#1 - Low Washer Fluid Warning Light comes on despite being full.
#2 - When I push the gas down WOT and the car accelerates and then all
of a sudden right after the shift it feels like the car severely bogs down
if I let of the gas a decent amount the car started picking up quickly
#3 - Speedometer/Odometer not functioning - "Data Distance Error"
#4 - When I start the car, the power steering only works for about
4-5 seconds, then it seems as if there is no PS at all, not insanely
hard to turn the wheel, but certainly not like it should be. I am thinking
PS pump because the fluid level is correct.
#5 - Anti-theft system randoming goes off without reason.
Thanks in advance for any/all help. Some people have already given me a couple ideas of what to check out on a couple of my problems, but I just wanted to put everything into one thread so I could keep track of it.