1998 Eldorado-Battery dies every week-new alt. and battery???


Active LVC Member
Nov 30, 2004
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South Mississippi
My grandma is having a major problem. Her 1998 has a brand new battery and alternator and it just got back from the dealership and they couldn't figure it out. The battery completely drains and the car either will just die in the middle of driving or it will not start at all. Once the battery charges, it may go a few days or a few weeks before dying again. Has anyone else experienced this and have any pointers on where to go look?
Check the battery ground. Also, if the alternator is a rebuilt, don't be surprised if the it's still not working. Was the alternator check before it was installed? What is the voltage reading when the engine is running?

Also, check for trouble codes.
What scares me is that the tech's at the dealership couldn't figure it out, the car was there for almost a week. I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt by assuming they really did an extensive check of the electrical system. When I get time, I'll pull fuses and try and isolate it. Sounds like a nightmare.

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